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HomeMust ReadWhy Does Your Credit Score Go Down

Why Does Your Credit Score Go Down

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Why is your credit score going down

Sometimes itâs better to wait a while to open a new line of credit after paying off a debt. When you apply for a new credit account, creditors will note a hard inquiry onto your credit report. Additionally, opening a new credit account will also lower the average age of your credit accounts. Best practices indicate that you should wait at least six month between submitting applications for new credit. In this case, being patient can benefit your score in the long run.

Getting Your Credit Score Back In Shape

Taking care of your credit is one of the smartest financial decisions you can make. There’s plenty of ways your credit score can drop, some of them more severe than others, but they’re all fixable if you know what you’re doing.

If your credit score recently went down, start by figuring out what the cause is. Then follow the steps above to fix the problem.

There Are Inquiries On Your Credit File That You Did Not Authorize

Unauthorized inquiries on your credit file can unfairly drag down your credit. In our article on credit inquiries, we reported that each hard inquiry on your credit report can potentially cost you up to five points each.

Fortunately, you have the right to dispute any hard inquiries on your credit report that you did not authorize. You can learn more about the credit dispute process in How to Fix the Most Common Credit Report Errors.

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Use Credit Monitoring To Track Your Progress

are an easy way to see how your credit score changes over time. These servicesmany of which are freemonitor for changes in your credit report, such as a paid-off account or a new account that youve opened. Also, they typically give you access to at least one of your credit scores from Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion, which are updated monthly.

Many of the best credit monitoring services can also help you prevent identity theft and fraud. For example, if you get an alert that a new credit card account that you dont remember opening has been reported to your credit file, you can contact the credit card company to report suspected fraud.

What It Means For Your Credit Score

Why Did My Credit Score Go Down?

Since applying for a loan or new credit card triggers a hard inquiry in your credit report, this can have the effect of lowering your credit score. However, it may not be as bad as it sounds. The portion of your credit score attributed to new credit you apply for is only 10% of your overall score, and it takes more than a single or even a couple of hard inquiries to move the needle.

While it might not be a great idea to apply for a dozen new credit cards right before you need that major loan, a hard inquiry or even two is unlikely to have a huge impact.

That said, its always a good thing to keep your score as high as possible. So go ahead and check your credit report to make sure its accurate, and dispute any entries that dont belong to you. The better your credit score, the more likely you are to be approved and receive the best interest rate possible.

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How To Raise Your Credit Score If It Drops

Rebuilding your credit and increasing your credit score is a priority, especially if your future goals include a major purchase, like a home or a car, renting a new apartment or condo, or applying for a business loan. Your strategy for rebuilding your credit and increasing your score will depend on what caused you to have a low credit score in the first place.

How long does it take for you to improve your credit score? With something like a bankruptcy or judgement , there’s not much you can do other than wait for the information to fall off your credit report which can take at least six years.

However, ensuring that your future debt payments are made on time can be a quick win and help you start to improve your credit score, especially if youre still building up your credit history.

If the cause of the drop is due to false or fraudulent information, reporting the issue to Equifax or TransUnion quickly is crucial. You should also report it immediately to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

While you can address credit score drops in some situations, prevention is a much more effective overall strategy for maintaining a good credit score. That means paying your credit cards and other debts on time every single month not applying for multiple credit cards or loans in a short period of time watching your credit utilization ratio and making sure it doesn’t exceed 30 percent and of course, avoiding bankruptcy.

Mistake On Your Credit Reports

So far weve assumed that your credit scores dropped because of accurate information on your credit reports. But what if thats not the case?

Lenders can make mistakes too. Thats why its important to check your credit reports to keep an eye out for errors. The CFPB says that credit report inaccuracies are one of the most common issues it deals with each day.

If you find a mistake on your credit reports, you have the right to dispute it with the credit bureaus and with the reporting lender. Companies are required to investigate the dispute free of charge and promptly correct errors that are confirmed.

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When Checking Credit Does Lower Scores

Expect your credit score to drop after a lender checks your credit report in connection with an application that you request. When a consumer initiates an application for a new borrowing relationship, the bureau will log a hard inquiry, which acts as an early warning signal that a finance company could approve a new account in the future.

New account activity makes up 10% of your daily rating and tends to subtract points until you establish that you can handle the extra obligation responsibly.

You Filed For Bankruptcy

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As you can imagine, a major financial event, like bankruptcy, can have a significant impact on your credit score. That’s why bankruptcy is seen as an absolute last resort and should only be considered by borrowers who have no means for paying the debts they owe.

Many people are surprised by just how much their credit score is affected when they successfully file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcies in Canada can stay on your credit report for up to six to seven years, depending on the credit reporting agency. And if you file for bankruptcy a second time, it can stay on your credit report for up to fourteen years.

Learning how to avoid bankruptcy is important for anyone who is struggling to keep up with their financial obligations and monthly debt payments.

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Reasons Why Credit Scores Drop

Credit scores are calculated using lots of information from your credit report about your finances. This includes factors like your payment history, the amount you currently owe, your and how many accounts you have open. So when thereâs a drop in your score, itâs likely that thereâs been a change in one of these or one of the many other factors that go into credit scores.

Read on for some reasons your credit score might drop and what you can do about them.

1. New Credit Applications

A new credit application could have an impact on your credit score. Thatâs because a new credit application creates a âhard inquiry,â which can stay on your credit report for up to two years. And multiple credit applications in a short period of time may raise a red flag to lenders. Those applications could be seen as a sign your financial situation has changed, and it could put a dent in your score.

What you can do: Try to keep new credit applications to a minimum by only applying for the credit you need. And when you do apply for a new credit card, you could first check with the lender to see if they can tell you whether you may be pre-qualified or pre-approved for one of their cards. Pre-qualification and pre-approval use whatâs known as a âsoft inquiryâ to check your credit, which wonât hurt your score.

2. High Credit Utilization

3. Payment History

4. Derogatory Remarks on Your Credit Report

Your Applications For Credit/loans

If youre regularly applying for new credit cards or loans, it may suggest to creditors that you’re struggling financially and are in need of money. In turn, that can make you appear as a high-risk borrower. For that reason, frequent applications for new credit can drop your credit score.

Each time you apply for new credit, creditors may check your credit report, which is considered a hard inquiry and hard inquiries can lower your credit score. Your credit score also factors in the number of credit accounts youve recently opened. When these two factors are paired, they can indicate to creditors that you’re having difficulty keeping up with payments.

Simply put, don’t apply for too much credit in a short amount of time!

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What Is A Good Or Bad Credit Score

Maintaining a good credit score has plenty of benefits, including potentially saving you a significant amount of moneyand stressover time. Good scores will help you qualify for more credit products at lower interest rates. Bad scores, on the other hand, may prevent you from qualifying for certain types of credit or may result in getting approved for credit products at higher interest rates, since your profile presents a bigger risk to the lender.

Credit scores are divided into different scoring ranges. Many scoring models, including the FICO® Score, use a range of 300 to 850. In that model, scores above 800 are considered exceptional, while anything above 700 is typically considered good. Scores below 669 are considered to be fair or poor. In 2020, the average FICO® Score in the U.S. was 710, according to Experian data.

Someone Else Used Your Credit Card Account

Why Did My Credit Score Go Down?

Whether your 10-year-old pulled it out of a desk drawer and set up an online game account or your credit card was cloned and used by a stranger, someone ran up a big balance and you had no idea.

The fix: Call your credit card issuer. In the case of a stranger using your card, youll get a new card and wont be responsible for charges. Someone in your household using the card without your knowledge is more of a family issue. Consider setting up alerts to notify you when the card is used.

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The Bottom Line Is It Depends On The Type Of Inquiry

To understand how an inquiry can affect your credit score, lets review how FICO scores are calculated.

5 factors that determine your FICO credit score:

  • payment history
  • types of credit you have
  • new credit youve applied for

Its this last category that comes into play when were talking about the impact a credit inquiry can have on your score.

Does Paying Off Collections Improve Your Credit Score

Paying off an account in collections may or may not help your credit score. The impact depends on a variety of factors, including the credit-scoring model being used. Older credit-scoring models will reflect that a collection account has been paid and now has zero balance, which can positively impact your score, says Madison Block of American Consumer Credit Counseling. Newer credit-scoring models, however, will ignore the zero-balance status on a collections account.

The total number of accounts you have in collections also factors into your credit score. If the collection event is recent and is the only one of its kind, then it may be advantageous to your score to resolve it, says John Cabell, director of banking and payments intelligence for J.D. Power. However, if you have many debts in collections, then you may not see much improvement. Conversely, if the collection event is several years old, it may not actually be playing much of a role in your credit score anymore anyway.

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Why Hasn’t My Score Changed After Paying Off Credit Cards

Your score won’t get an immediate update once you pay off credit cards. That can be a disappointment when you’ve put a lot of effort into cutting down your balance. But all other things being equal, you will likely see an improvement in a relatively short period of time.

The credit scoring models may not update your credit score immediately so that they can also take note of whether you’ve simultaneously taken on more debt, which would also be reflected in your credit score. All in all, allow for at least one to two months after paying off a balance for your credit score to be recalculated.

Where Does My Credit Score Come From

Why did my credit score go down? (for no reason)

When it comes to credit scores, we are taught one fundamental lesson: A good credit score is good, and a bad credit score is bad. And for most of us, thats where our understanding ends. Many people dont know where their credit score comes from or even what it means.

Your credit score is a rating that shows the level of the financial risk involved with loaning you money. This score not only affects loans but also lines of creditlike the kind you would get with a credit card. Your credit score tells potential lenders and creditors how likely you are to pay back the money you borrow from them.

Your credit score is determined by five major factors, listed below with the percentage of their impact on your rating:

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An Account That You Are Piggybacking On Became Delinquent

Sometimes being an authorized user on a credit card or having a joint account can be a risky thing. You are relying on the other person to pay their bills on time and to manage their balances well, otherwise their behavior can compromise your credit.

In other words, an ideal tradeline should have a low utilization ratio, it should have a higher age than your average age of accounts and your oldest account, and most importantly, it needs to have a perfect payment history.

Therefore, you want to avoid being added as an authorized user to a tradeline that has any derogatory marks on it so that those derogatory items dont get added to your credit file and end up damaging your credit.

Thats the danger of piggybacking on a friend or family members credit cardeven if the tradeline is perfect when you are first added to it, theres no guarantee that it will stay that way.

If your authorized user tradeline does get any missed payments on its record, that could definitely hurt your credit, and it would be smart to remove yourself from it immediately. To do so, simply call the credit card issuer and request to be removed from the account, as most banks allow you to do this without needing to go through the primary account holder.

Delinquency on the part of the primary account holder can cause problems if you are piggybacking on someone elses credit account.

My Credit Score Dropped But There Were No Changes On My Report

Your credit score is calculated based off the information in your credit report. To create your score, the information is broken down into different categories or factors. These factors may be weighed differently based on their importance. For instance, your payment history and utilization tend to carry the most weight in calculating your score.

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You May Now Have Fewer Types Of Credit

Another ranking factor for your credit score is the types of accounts you have on your report. In general, the who report your credit history want to see that youre responsibly using several different types of credit.

For example, your credit report may list a few credit cards and an auto loan. If you pay off and close the auto loan, your credit mix now has less variety since it only contains credit cards. This could lead to a temporary drop in your credit score.

That said, its not necessary to go out of your way to take on as many different types of credit as possible. Instead, use different types of credit when you need them, making sure to pay on time. Over time, your credit score will recover with responsible use of credit.

Why Did My Credit Score Drop After I Paid Off A Credit Card

5 Reasons Why Your Credit Score Went Down

Your score could have taken a dive after paying off a credit card if you closed that credit card when the balance hit zero. While paying off and then closing the card may have been your goal all along, the action could actually hurt your score. This is why it’s usually best to keep credit card accounts open even if you don’t use them frequently.

If you close a credit card, your will likely increase. That’s the proportion of available revolving credit that you’re using at any one time. Experts recommend keeping utilization below 30% to avoid damaging your scores, and in the single digits to maintain the highest credit score possible. Because closing a card will reduce the amount of available credit you have, your scores could take a hit.

For example, let’s say you have three credit cards that have a combined credit limit of $12,000. You pay off the balance on one of the cards and close it, bringing your combined limit down to $4,000. If you have a $1,500 balance across the other two cards, and you maintain that balance after closing the third card, your total credit utilization will climb from 12.5% to 37.5%.

In this case, it would be better to keep the third card open but use it sparingly so that you can benefit from its credit limit without adding to your debt.

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