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Is 686 A Good Credit Score

Fico Credit Score Ranges


Heres how to find out exactly where your credit score falls in the range of FICO scores.

Ideal Credit Score To Avail A Personal Loan

Your credit score is a significant factor determining your eligibility for a personal loan since it is a collateral-free loan. The minimum CIBIL score for a personal loan is between 720 and 750. Having this score means you are creditworthy, and lenders will approve your personal loan application quickly. They may also offer you your chosen loan amount at a nominal interest.

While you may still be able to get a personal loan with a credit score between 600 and 700, the lower your score, the lower your approved loan amount will be. A credit score below 600 is considered inadequate for personal loans in most cases.

What Is The Minimum Credit Score To Qualify For A Mortgage

There is no official minimum credit score since lenders can take other factors into consideration when determining if you qualify for a mortgage. You can be approved for a mortgage with a lower credit score if, for example, you have a solid down payment or your debt load is otherwise low. Since many lenders view your credit score as just one piece of the puzzle, a low score wont necessarily prevent you from getting a mortgage.

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Compare More Recommended Credit Card

Is your credit score not 650, 660, 670, 680, or 690? Find more top credit cards for your credit score range:

Note: According to our research, these credit cards offer the best chance of approval for applicants with credit scores of 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698 and 699. This does not mean guaranteed approval as credit decisions take into factors other than FICO score.

Petal credit cards are issued by WebBank, Member FDIC.

How Can You Beat The Average And Raise Your Credit Score

Is A 680 to 689 Credit Score Good? Or Bad? (2020)

To improve your credit score so your credit won’t be just average, it’s helpful to know how credit scores are calculated.While there are many different credit scoring formulas, your FICO® Score is determined based on:

  • Your payment history. This accounts for 35% of your score.
  • Your credit utilization. This accounts for 30% of your score.
  • The length of your credit history. This accounts for 15% of your score.
  • The mix of credit accounts or types of credit used. This accounts for 10% of your score.
  • The number of inquiries on your credit report. This accounts for 10% of your score.

VantageScore is the other primary credit score you receive in addition to your FICO® Score. It has its own proprietary formula for weighing these factors, but similar things will be considered. Other credit scoring formulas take these same factors into account as well.

Once you understand how your score is determined, you can adjust your behavior accordingly to earn a credit score that’s better than average. You can make payments on time. You can keep your credit utilization rate as low as possible, and definitely below 30%. You can make sure to take out a mix of different loans, but avoid applying for credit too often and getting too many inquiries or lowering the average age of your accounts.

Check your credit score today to see how you compare, and start working on improving your score so you’re above average by every definition.

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Can I Get A Personal Loan With A Low Credit Score

The credit score is the first point of review when a person applies for a personal loan. Given below are the details of the possibility of a personal loan that can be sanctioned based on the credit score of a person.

A credit score from 300 to 599 is considered to be poor by any lender. It is like a warning for the lender of the bad credit history of the applicant and the non-viability of the loan. Hence, most lenders will reject the personal loan application of such applicants having such a low credit score. It is important for such applicant to immediately take measures to improve his/her credit score to get access to loans or credit cards.

A credit score ranging from 600 to 749 is considered below but not as risky as the previous range mentioned above. There are many lenders that may choose to overlook this score and provide personal loans to the applicant based on other factors like,

  • Sound repayment capacity of the applicant
  • Proof of income submitted by the applicant
  • Loan against any security or collateral
  • Employment history
  • Relationship with the bank

However, note that even if youre granted a loan, the interest rate on it will be higher and the loan terms may not be favourable to the borrower.

What Affects Your Credit Score

On the list of what affects your credit score, two factors have the biggest influence: Payment history, which is whether you pay on time, and credit utilization, which is how much of your credit limits you have in use.

Other factors matter but carry a little less weight: how long you’ve had credit, whether you have a mix of credit types and how frequently and recently you’ve applied for credit.

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Recognize That Your Rates Can Increase

Currently, credit card companies cannot raise your credit rate for at least one year after you have opened your account, unless any of the following circumstances apply:

  • A six month introductory rate exists
  • You are late paying your bill by sixty days
  • You have a card with a variable rate that is tied to an index and that index increases

You need to recognize that your credit rates will increase in the future, at least after the initial twelve months, and you need to establish with your potential creditor exactly when your rates will increase, by how much, and if there is anything you can do to lower your rates.

Factors That Can Affect A Credit Score

FICO Score 10 How will it Affect your Credit Score?

There are 5 main factors that can affect the calculation of a credit score. If youre interested in improving your credit these are the areas that you should focus on.

History of Payments

This is determined by the payments you have made to lenders or creditors. This ultimately reflects on how frequently you pay your loans or bills on time. Anyone looking to improve their credit scores should always make their payments on time, without fail.

Debt/ Credit Utilization

This shows the amount of outstanding debt a consumer has compared to the amount of available credit they have. For example, if you have a total credit limit of $5,000 and consistently carry a high balance, your credit score may be negatively affected. To help improve your credit scores, pay down your debt and make sure you need your balance to lower than 35% of your available credit.

This factor is straightforward, the longer a credit account has been open, the better it is for your credit scores. If youre considering cancelling a credit card, make sure you cancel a new one and keep the older ones open.

New Inquiries

Every time a potential lender or creditor pulls your credit, your credit score may take a small and temporary hit. If you apply for a lot of new credit within a short period of time, your credit score may drop and other creditors will be able to see that youve recently applied for a lot of credit which they may consider to be a red flag.


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What Does A 686 Credit Score Mean And How It Affects Your Life

While being in the fair credit range is not the worst, it still has cons. Because many with a 686 credit score may be deemed a potentially risky borrower, it is not uncommon for folks with this credit score to be offered credit cards and loans with higher interest rates. If one wishes to have any increased shot at a low interest rate loan, approval for a credit card or a home rental, and better car insurance rates, having the best credit possible is a must.

On the bright side, a credit score of 686 is not the end of the world. Typically, it is individuals with scores lower than 630 who have a lower shot of approval and fair interest rates on loans, credit cards, and the like, that is, if they get approved at all. Being in the poor or very poor credit score range means that one may only be approved for secured loans: money borrowed that must be backed up with an expensive possession in exchange for borrowed finances in case you fail to pay back your dues.

What happens if you improve your 686 credit score by 50 or 100 points?

What happens if your 686 FICO score goes down?

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Dealing With Negative Information Which Impacts Your 686 Credit Score

Whether you have too many hard inquiries or have late payments listed on your report, knowing how to deal with negative information on your credit report is crucial in attempting to boost your credit score. Fortunately, this information will be removed with time. Some information on your credit report can even be removed sooner from the original date, if applicable.


If you filed a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your bankruptcy will be cleared from your credit report after seven years. For a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it will be cleared in ten years. One can try to clear a bankruptcy from their report early however, it can be a difficult process.

Hard inquiries

One can expect hard inquiries to remain on their report for two years. Initially, they can drop your 686 credit score 5 to 10 points. Fortunately, as time goes on, they affect credit less and less. To potentially remove a hard inquiry earlier, one can dispute the inquiry with the creditor or credit bureau. The latter technique is useful for those who have been a victim of identity theft.

Late payments

Late payments will be taken off your credit report after seven years from the delinquency date. There are ways that one can attempt to remove late payments earlier: requesting a goodwill adjustment from the creditor, volunteering to the creditor to sign up for automatic payments as an exchange for removal of the late payment, or disputing any information in regard to the late payment as inaccurate .

Debt Collections

How Your 686 Credit Score Was Calculated

U.S. Credit Scores, by State

As mentioned earlier, the two main credit scoring models are FICO and VantageScore. Although the two models have minor differences, both calculate credit scores based on the following factors:

  • Payment history:Late payments lower your credit score. The later the payment, the more damage it will do. Charge-offs, collection accounts, and bankruptcies are even more damaging to your score.
  • : This refers to the proportion of your available credit that youre using . A lower utilization rate is better for your credit score. Many experts recommend keeping yours below 30% . VantageScore recommends keeping your credit utilization even lower, under 10% if possible. 1
  • Length of credit history: This is determined by the age of your oldest and newest credit accounts as well as the average age of all of your accounts. Old accounts that youve had for many years boost your credit score, whereas new accounts lower it.
  • : Your credit score will be lower if you dont have a balanced mix of revolving credit accounts and installment accounts .
  • New accounts: When you apply for a credit card or loan, the lender will run a credit check. This will trigger a hard inquiryHard inquiries take a few points off your credit score, and the effect lasts for up to 12 months. 2Actually opening the account can further hurt your score and have even longer-lasting effects.

To maintain your good credit score, follow these tips:

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Who Creates Your Credit Report And Credit Score

There are two main credit bureaus in Canada:

  • Equifax

These are private companies that collect, store and share information about how you use credit.

Equifax and TransUnion only collect information from creditors about your financial experiences in Canada.

Some financial institutions may be willing to recognize a credit history outside Canada if you ask them. This may involve extra steps. For example, you may request a copy of your credit report in the other country and meet with your local branch officer.

Whats Considered A Good Credit Score

If youre trying to build or maintain healthy credit, knowing whats considered a good score can be helpful. A good credit score can help you get approved and lock in better rates for loans and other credit.

Higher is generally better, but its hard to say specifically what a good score is. Whats considered a good score can differ by lender and the type of credit youre applying for. The score you see when you obtain credit monitoring or buy a credit score along with your credit report may not be the score that the lender is using. There are also different scoring models. That said, read on to learn what a good credit score range is when you check your score with TransUnion. Plus, youll find tips on how to maintain healthy credit.

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Tips To Get A Perfect Credit Score

The first thing to keep in mind is that obtaining a perfect credit score takes time.

Its rather easy to remove negative items from your credit report and get a better score, but a perfect score is another story.

Now, assuming you dont have any negative items on your credit report like late payments or a collections account, lets get into the more advanced credit behavior youll need to learn and put into practice.

Keep in mind that all of the steps outlined below are based on my personal experience, not random advice Ive read on the internet.

What Is A Good Credit Score To Buy A House

FICO Credit Score Chart How credit scores are calculated

If only it were that simple. When trying to answer the question, What credit score is needed to buy a house? there is no hard-and-fast-rule. Heres what we can say: if your score is good, lets say higher than a 660, then youll probably qualify. Of course, that assumes youre buying a house you can afford and applying for a mortgage that makes sense for you. Assuming thats all true, and youre within the realm of financial reason, a 660 should be enough to get you a loan.

Anything lower than 660 and all bets are off. Thats not to say that you definitely wont qualify, but the situation will be decidedly murkier. In fact, the term subprime mortgage refers to mortgages made to borrowers with credit scores below 660 . In these cases, lenders rely on other criteria reliable source of income, solid assets to override the low credit score.

If we had to name the absolute lowest credit score to buy a house, it would likely be somewhere around a 500 FICO score. It is very rare for borrowers with that kind of credit history to receive mortgages. So, while it may be technically possible for you to get a loan with a score of, say, 470, you would probably be better off focusing your financial energy on shoring up your credit report first, and then trying to get your loan. In fact, when using SmartAsset tools to answer the question, What credit score is needed to buy a house?, we will tell anyone who has a score below 620 to wait to get a home loan.

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