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HomeNewsHow Personal Responsibility Can Affect Your Credit Report

How Personal Responsibility Can Affect Your Credit Report

Requirements For The Personal Management Merit Badge:

  • Do the following:
  • Choose an item that your family might want to purchase that is considered a major expense.
  • Write a plan that tells how your family would save money for the purchase identified in requirement 1a.
  • Discuss the plan with your merit badge counselor
  • Discuss the plan with your family
  • Discuss how other family needs must be considered in this plan.
  • Develop a written shopping strategy for the purchase identified in requirement 1a.
  • Determine the quality of the item or service .
  • Comparison shop for the item. Find out where you can buy the item for the best price. Call around; study ads. Look for a sale or discount coupon. Consider alternatives. Can you buy the item used? Should you wait for a sale?
  • Do the following:
  • Prepare a budget reflecting your expected income , expenses, and savings for a period of 13 consecutive weeks.
  • If expenses exceed budget income, determine steps to balance your budget.
  • If income exceeds budget expenses, state how you would use the excess money .
  • Track and record your actual income, expenses, and savings for 13 consecutive weeks . When complete, present the records showing the results to your merit badge counselor.
  • Compare your budget with your actual income and expenses to understand when your budget worked and when it did not work. With your merit badge counselor, discuss what you might do differently the next time.
  • Discuss with your merit badge counselor FIVE of the following concepts:
  • The emotions you feel when you receive money.
  • You Won’t Enjoy The Best Rewards Credit Cards

    The best rewards credit cards;require the highest credit scores. When your score is good or excellent, you can access the;best introductory offers and cash-back;incentives available among credit products today.

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    Can Employers See Your Credit Score

    Potential employers will never be able to see your three-digit credit score when you apply for a job. They will, however, be able to look at a version of your credit report that’s different from the one that lenders see. This modified report will exclude information such as your date of birth, account numbers, details about your spouse or anything that could potentially violate equal employment laws.

    Since your credit score is meant to indicate your creditworthiness to a lender, it’s not something a potential employer would use to make a hiring decision and is therefore not included in the report they see.

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    Does An Employment Credit Check Affect Your Score

    When you apply for a loan or credit card and the lender pulls your credit report, a hard inquiry occurs. Too many hard inquiries in a short period of time may temporarily lower your credit score. Fortunately, this is not the case with employer credit checks.

    An employment credit check is known as a soft inquiry because it does not involve applying for new credit. Therefore, an employment credit check is not viewed as a potential flag for lenders and won’t affect your credit score in any way.

    Contact The Credit Bureaus

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    Both Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada have forms for correcting errors and updating information. Fill out the form to correct errors:

    Before the credit bureau can change the information on your credit report, it will need to investigate your claim. It will check your claim with the lender that reported the information.

    If the lender agrees there is an error, the credit bureau will update your credit report.

    If the lender confirms that the information is correct, the credit bureau will leave your report unchanged.

    In some provinces, the credit bureau is required to send a revised copy of your credit report to anyone who recently requested it.

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    How Do I Establish A Good Credit Rating

    The easiest way to establish a good credit rating is to pay your bills on time. If you don’t have a credit card, apply for one, and use it responsibly. If you make your minimum payments, you can develop a good credit history. This will have a positive impact on your ability to borrow in the future.

    To find out more about establishing credit, talk to a CIBC advisor.

    Requirement 6 Explain To Your Counselor Why People Might Purchase The Following Types Of Insurance And How They Work:

    Before we get into the different types of insurance, lets first clarify what insurance actually is. Basically, insurance involves paying a monthly amount so that if an emergency ever arises, the insurance company will financially compensate you with enough money to handle the situation.

    Whenever you need to use your insurance, typically you first must pay an amount called a deductible. This can vary based on your insurance plan, but essentially this means that the insurance company does not cover the entire cost of your losses. Instead, your insurance will pay for all costs exceeding the amount of your deductible, up to the total value of your insurance plan.

    Youll most likely never need to use your insurance. However, if the case arises that you do need financial aid, insurance could mean the difference between manageable healthcare/lawsuit costs and bankruptcy. Insurance is a smart way of managing risk and being prepared for the worst. As a scout, Im sure you can understand the value of having insurance.

    6a) Automobile

    Lets use automobile insurance as an example. Say youre behind the wheel and are hit by another car. Suddenly, you need emergency medical attention. However, you live in the United States where the cost of a hospital bill could be in the tens of thousands of dollars.

    Back to the earlier case where you are hypothetically hit by another driver. There are two possible situations:

    6b) Health

    • Smoking/tobacco use
    • Location
    • Other risk factors

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    When Can Cosigning Help Improve Your Credit

    Being a cosigner on a loan can also help you establish and improve your credit when:

    • The payments are made on time. Payment history is the most important factor in your credit scores, so making all loan payments on time can go a long way toward boosting your credit.
    • The loan is paid off as agreed. This shows future lenders you can manage credit responsibly.
    • The new account adds to your . Managing different types of credit, such as installment loans and revolving credit, can help your credit scores.

    In short, cosigning can help your credit as long as the primary account holder manages the account responsibly.

    When Should You Remove A Closed Account From Your Credit Report

    Your business debt and loans can affect your personal credit score

    You may be wondering, Can I have closed accounts removed from my credit report?

    For the most part, it only makes sense to try to remove a closed account from your credit report if some negative information has been reported. This is especially true if the negative details reported are incorrect.

    Fortunately, you do have some options when it comes to having information from your credit reports removed, or at least trying to get information removed. Heres how to remove closed accounts on your credit report.

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    Place A Credit Freeze

    Contact each credit reporting agency to place a freeze on your credit report. Each agency accepts freeze requests online, by phone, or by postal mail.;


    PO Box 26Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0026

    Your credit freeze will go into effect the next business day if you place it online or by phone. If you place the freeze by postal mail, it will be in effect three business days after the credit agency receives your request. A credit freeze does not expire. Unless you lift the credit freeze, it stays in effect.

    Improve Your Credit Score For The Future

    It is possible to improve a poor credit score. The bad marks can go away after seven years for delinquencies and ten years for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

    With time, your credit score can go up organically as you refrain from adding more debt and pay your bills on time. At the very least, making the minimum payment each month will help improve your history of on-time payments and lower your debt-to-credit ratio.

    In the meantime, you can learn about the most common credit card mistakes;so that you feel confident using one again and understand exactly how to abide by your terms and agreements.

    “Many times, people fall into the trap of assuming that if they pay nearly enough to cover the minimum payment, or miss the due date by only a few days, that this should somehow count and they shouldn’t be penalized,” Ulzheimer explains.

    “But if you can snap out of this kind of thinking, you are going to wake up one day and see a better score. You are usually no more than seven years away from great credit; I promise you that.”

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    What Is A Credit Mix

    Credit mix refers to the types of accounts that make up your . Credit mix determines 10% of your FICO score. The different types of credit that might be part of your credit mix include credit cards, student loans, automobile loans, and mortgages. Credit mix might have a larger impact on your if your is particularly sparse.

    Get A Free Copy Of Your Credit Report

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    The Fair Credit Reporting Act promotes the accuracy and privacy of information in the files of the nations credit reporting companies. Monitoring your credit report is a necessary practice to keep in check any negative information. Consumers should obtain their free credit report and review it at least once a year to catch any irregularities on time and keep track of disputed items.

    Consumers are entitled by law to a free annual credit report from each of the three main reporting bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, and you can access all three of them through one single website: is the only authorized website through which you can gain free access to your credit report from the three major bureaus. Be wary of other sites that promise the same, as they may have hidden fees, try to sell something, or collect personal information.

    Mail: Download, print, fill out, and mail to:
    Annual Credit Report Request Service P.O. Box 105281 Atlanta, GA 30348-5281

    Equifax made headlines in 2017 due to a massive data breach, but it remains one of the top 3 services to get your credit report. The company provides a few different service levels if you want to monitor your credit score monthly . Monitoring packages start at $14.95 per month, and the $19.95 per month options include, ironically, a host of identity-theft protection options.

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    The Importance Of Good Credit

    Not every employer will check your credit report, but its important to be prepared. Ultimately, the best thing you can do is to be financially responsible, including:

    • Paying bills on time
    • Managing debt wisely
    • Negotiating and settling any outstanding issues

    Even if your credit report is less than stellar, dont fret. Nothing stays on your credit report forever; with diligence and effort, you can have a clean credit report in your future.

    How Personal Responsibility Affects Credit Report

    Find answers now! A landlord or employer is likely to see this as a red flag that you’ll one day be unable to hold up your end of the bargain with them, which can result in them passing you over for an apartment or a job.An unfavorable credit history is one that includes information collected and disseminated by any of the three major credit reporting agencie…Insufficient trade lines is one of the reasons a creditor may deny your request for credit. It shows that you’re not responsible enough to plan ahead and budget for the future. Favorite Answer.

    Login to reply the answers Post; kudo452. A subpar credit score can keep you from landing a job, getting an apartment or obtaining a favorable auto insurance rate. 0 1 0. If your credit card balances are close to your credit limits, it may lead prospective employers to think you’re impulsive and careless with your money and, by extension, company resources.Your total number of accounts is a factor in your credit score, but opening up multiple accounts in a short period of time shows that you’re desperate for cash.

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    Failure To Comply With Agreements

    If you’re in a deep hole with your credit cards, you may be forced to turn to a debt settlement or even bankruptcy to get yourself back on your feet. While this alleviates your pressing financial burdens, you may end up destroying your credit in the process. Also, you may be showing that you’re unable to carry out the terms you once agreed to. A landlord or employer is likely to see this as a red flag that you’ll one day be unable to hold up your end of the bargain with them, which can result in them passing you over for an apartment or a job.

    The 5 Biggest Factors That Affect Your Credit

    Wells Fargo to shut down all personal credit lines. Hereâs why that can hurt your credit score.

    InvestopediaForbes AdvisorThe Motley Fool, CredibleInsider

    A is a number that lenders use to determine the risk of loaning money to a given borrower.

    Here are the five biggest things that affect your score, how they affect your credit, and what it means when you apply for a loan.

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    File A Dispute Directly With The Reporting Business

    Reporting businesses include credit card issuers and banks. Upon receiving a dispute, they are required by law to investigate and respond. If the reporting business corrects the issue, you saved yourself the step of contacting the credit reporting agency. It is vital to make sure the items are cleaned up for all three credit bureaus mentioned above.

    However, trying to work out your debt directly with the lender will not necessarily change the amount of time said negative item would remain on your credit report. It will only change if the dispute is resolved with the lender and deleted from your credit report.

    You Delay Building Wealth And Even Retiring

    Bad credit can also have a long-term impact on your financial life. If you have high-interest credit card debt, you’re not able to put any money away for the future ; at least not enough to balance out your APR fees.

    As long as your interest rates are high, you’re putting less money into equity and assets and more money into servicing debt. And debt has no return on investment; the money you pay in interest is cash that you will never see again.

    In some cases, qualifying consumers should consider a;balance transfer credit card with limited-time 0% APR, such as the Aspire Platinum Mastercard®. A balance transfer card can help knock out some interest payments if you have existing debt to pay off. As you lower your debt-to-credit ratio, your credit score should improve, and then it might be worth refinancing your mortgage or auto loans to see if you can earn a better APR, shave some of that interest off and put it aside for retirement savings.

    See: How do 0% APR cards work and how to make the most of your balance transfer.

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    Errors To Watch Out For On Your Credit Report

    Once you get your report, check for:

    • mistakes in your personal information, such as a wrong mailing address or incorrect date of birth
    • errors in credit card and loan accounts, such as a payment you made on time that is shown as late
    • negative information about your accounts that is still listed after the maximum number of years it’s allowed to stay on your report
    • accounts listed that you never opened, which could be a sign of identity theft

    A credit bureau cant change accurate information related to a credit account on your report. For example, if you missed payments on a credit card, paying the debt in full or closing the account won’t remove the negative history.

    Negative information such as late payments or defaults only stays on your credit report for a certain period of time.

    Check Your Credit And Consider The Risks

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    While cosigning can help a friend or loved one qualify for a loan or rental they wouldn’t otherwise be approved for, it can also wind up being a disaster for your finances and relationship. If you think you may want to be a cosigner, check your credityou can review your credit score for free through Experianand determine if you’ll be able to help. If you can, carefully consider what could happen in a worst-case scenario before you agree to cosign.

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    What Happens To A Debt After Seven Years

    Seven years is a well-known time limit when it comes to debt. It’s referred to so often that many people have forgotten what really happens to credit cards, loans, and other financial accounts after the seven-year mark.

    Seven years is the length of time that many negative items can be listed on your credit report, as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This includes things like late payments, debt collections, charged-off accounts, and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Certain other negative items, like some judgments, unpaid tax liens, and Chapter 7 bankruptcy, can remain on your credit report for more than seven years.


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