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HomeMust ReadWhat Is A Closed Account On Credit Report

What Is A Closed Account On Credit Report

Will Account Closed By Creditor Hurt Your Credit Score

How to Remove Closed Accounts From a Credit Report

The remark “account closed by creditor” or a comment that a creditor closed your account doesnt hurt your credit score. Fortunately, this type of comment isn’t picked up by the credit scoring calculation. However, the act of having a , whether by you or , can hurt your credit score by raising your credit utilization. For example, your credit score could be impacted by a closed credit card if you have a balance on the credit card or if you have high balances on all your other credit cards and this was the only card with significant available credit.

You can minimize the impact to your credit score by paying off the balance on the closed credit card, even if you have to pay it off over a period of time.

If the credit card issuer closed your account because of late payment or serious delinquency, those delinquencies will impact your credit score. These late payments will remain on your credit report for seven years, but they will hurt your credit score less as time passes and as you add positive information to your credit report.

Accounts closed in good standing will remain on your credit report for ten years or whatever timing the credit bureau has set for reporting positive, closed accounts.

Send A Dispute Letter

The most popular approach to removing items from your credit report by yourself is filing a . This method will generally only work for removing inaccurate or unverifiable information from your credit reports if all the information about the account is correct, your dispute probably wont be successful.

All you need to do is send a dispute letter. To get started, use the sample letter below for removing closed accounts from your credit report.

Use this template to file a dispute directly with one of the credit bureaus. Mistakes in your personal information , as well as credit accounts that you don’t recognize, should usually be disputed with the bureaus. Often they’re the result of the bureau confusing you for someone else.

You only need to send your dispute letter to the credit reporting agencies that are including the closed account in your credit report . If youre unsure, request your free credit reports from all three credit bureaus at

Where to Send Your Dispute Letter

TransUnions online dispute form

Should you dispute closed accounts on your credit report?

If a closed account is being inaccurately reportedfor instance, if you closed it voluntarily but it says that your creditor forcibly closed it because you failed to pay your billsyou should definitely dispute it, because the error might be hurting your credit.

Should I Pay Off Closed Accounts On My Credit Report

If your account was closed with a balance but remains in good standing, maintain its good standing by continuing to make payments until the account is paid off.

If your account was closed due to delinquency, the first thing to do is call your credit card issuer to check the status of the account. If the debt hasnt been sold to a collections agency yet, youll want to start paying off the account immediately to prevent it from going to collections. You could end up with bad credit if you have a collection account on your file.

If the account is already in collections, however, whether or not you should pay it off is an entirely different question that depends on your individual situation.

See our article on collection accounts on your credit report for more information on how to handle collections.

Read Also: Does Applying For A Credit Card Affect Credit Score

Work With A Credit Counseling Agency

Several non-profit credit counseling organizations, like the National Foundation for Credit Counseling , can help dispute inaccurate information on your record.

The NFCC can provide financial counseling, help review your credit history and help you organize your budget or place you in a debt management plan free of charge. It also offers counseling for homeownership, bankruptcy and foreclosure prevention.

As always, be wary of companies that overpromise, make claims that are too good to be true and ask for payment before rendering services.

When looking for a legitimate credit counselor, the FTC advises consumers to check if they have any complaints with:

  • Your states Attorney General
  • Local consumer protection agencies
  • The United States Trustee program

Removing Closed Accounts From Your Credit Report

3 ways to remove a closed account from your credit report

In some cases, a closed account can be harmful to your credit score, especially if the account was closed with a delinquency, like a late payment or, worse, a charge-off.

Payment history is 35% of your credit score, and any late payments can cause your credit score to drop, even if the payments were late after the account was closed.

Removing the account from your credit score could potentially lead to a credit score increase.

Removing a closed account from your credit report isn’t always easy, and is only possible in certain situations.

If the account on your credit report is actually open but incorrectly reported as closed, you can use the to have it listed as an open account. Providing proof of your account status will help your position.

Having a credit account reported as closed could be hurting your credit score, especially if the credit card has a balance. You can dispute any other inaccurate information regarding the closed account, like payments that were reported as late that were actually paid on time.

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Review The Claim Results

Reporting agencies and lenders usually take around 30 days to investigate disputes. Once they make a decision, they must notify you within five days of completing their review. The notice will inform you if the disputed item was found to be inaccurate or not.

If the disputed information was, in fact, inaccurate, the bureau must update or delete the item. They should include a free copy of your file if the dispute results in a change.

If the bureau or lender finds that the disputed information isn’t a mistake, you can file an additional claim. Review your initial claim for any errors and correct those. If possible, you should include additional documents to support your request, which can help the bureau evaluate any information it might have missed the first time around.

Inactive Credit Card: Use It Or Lose It

If your credit card account becomes inactive for an extended period, a lender may close it on your behalf. Learn more about inactive credit cards with help from Equifax.

Reading time: 3 minutes


  • Paid accounts that are inactive may be closed by the lender after a certain period of time
  • You may not be notified before this happens
  • The cancellation may impact your debt to credit utilization ratio and your mix of credit accounts

You may not have given much thought to the credit card in the back of your wallet or in a drawer the one that was paid off and that you havent used in a while.

But after a certain period of time, which varies depending on the lender or creditors policies, they may consider your account inactive and it may be closed.

Remember that when it comes to credit, its important to show that you can handle financial commitments responsibly. A part of that is being able to use credit cards responsibly by paying them off regularly, on time, every time.

If you werent using the credit card, will the cancellation impact you at all? That depends on several factors, but here are some of the things you should know about account inactivity.

How long can my account be inactive before it’s closed?

Will I be notified before my account is closed?

How does this affect my credit history?

A credit card canceled for inactivity may impact you in the following ways:

What can I do?

How do I avoid having credit cards canceled for inactivity?

Don’t Miss: How Long To Build Up Credit Rating

How To Remove Negative Items From Your Credit Report

Amarilis YeraNorma RodríguezAndrea AgostiniTaína CuevasAmarilis Yera26 min read

Your is meant to be an accurate, detailed summary of your financial history however, mistakes happen more often than you may think.

Whether its accounts that dont actually belong to you or outdated derogatory information thats still being reported, incorrect information could be bringing your score down unnecessarily.

Read on to learn how to remove erroneous information from your credit report and some tips on how to handle those negative items that are dragging your score down.

What Happens When You Remove A Closed Account From Your Credit Report


In general, if your request is approved your credit score will reflect the change in about 30 days. However, there are some scenarios where deleted credit report items reappear after a dispute has been filed. This typically happens if the information claimed was not verified by the credit agency in a timely manner or if the information is incorrect altogether.

If this situation happens to you, simply contact the credit reporting agencies as you did before to follow up on the status of your claim.

Also Check: How To Raise Your Credit Score In 30 Days

Should I Remove A Closed Account From My Credit Report

While you should attempt to remove closed accounts that contain incorrect information or negative items, there is generally no need to remove a closed account. Ultimately, deciding whether to remove a closed account comes down to knowing what factors affect your credit score. For example, you should try and remove accounts that are negative, inaccurate, or fraudulent. Conversely, you may leave accounts in good standing, helpful for credit utilization, or beneficial to credit history.

Remember, the credit bureaus determine your credit score on payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, types of credit, and new credit. Because credit reports include both open and closed accounts, removing an account from your report may negatively impact your score. For example, your length of credit history may decrease if you remove a personal loan that you paid on time for multiple years.

Does Deleting A Tradeline Mean The Account Is Wiped From Credit Report

A collections agency wrote:

Within approximately 30 days of your final payment successfully posting, we will request that the three major credit reporting agencies delete our tradeline related to your account from your credit bureau report.

Does this mean the debt will be removed from my report? The statement came on a bill from the agency. Should I go ahead and pay or request a pay for delete letter in writing? Should it be on the original companys letterhead or is the collection agency fine?

  • 1How do you think that a pay-for-delete letter would be different from this written statement that says when your payment posts, they delete?

Yes. Thats great! It will be deleted from all 3 credit bureaus. That letter is good enough.

After you pay your last payment, call the company and let them know they are supposed to remove the account from your reports now

Then check your 3 reports about 45 days after you speak with them. If for some reason it still shows on a report, create a dispute on the account and upload that letter to the credit bureau.

It is usually really hard to get them to remove it from your report but you lucked out.

Read Also: What Cell Phone Companies Report To Credit Bureaus

How Closing Accounts Can Hurt Your Credit Score

The act of closing a credit account has its own effects on your credit score, depending on the type of credit account it is. For example, closing a credit card will probably hurt your credit by increasing your credit utilization ratio .

To a lesser extent, the same thing can happen when you close an installment loan. Specifically, paying off debt can sometimes hurt your credit because some credit scoring models reward consumers for having loans that are mostly paid off. 2

How To Remove Closed Accounts From A Credit Report

3 ways to remove a closed account from your credit report

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Incorrect information on your credit report can impact your credit score and can therefore affect your ability to secure a loan, mortgage, or credit card. Closed accounts, or accounts that youve fully paid, can stay on your credit report for up to 10 years. You might want to remove these accounts from your credit report as they can indicate to banks or other companies what your credit habits are. Removing them can be difficult, but is by no means impossible.

Read Also: How To Access Credit Report

My Bank Or Credit Union Closed My Checking Account Will This Hurt My Credit

The big three consumer reporting companies Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion typically do not include information about your checking account or check-writing history in traditional credit reports. However, checking account reporting companies do collect and report on information related to your checking account.

These companies, which include Chex Systems and Early Warning Services, collect and report information about checking accounts youve had in the past. If youve had your account closed due to an unpaid negative balance, the bank or credit union would typically report this involuntary closure to a checking account reporting company. You may also be reported if you were suspected of fraudulent activity by the bank or credit union. Banks and credit unions often use reports from these companies to help decide whether to offer you a checking account and the type of checking account to offer you.


Some banks and credit unions use additional information, such as information from your credit report, to determine whether or not to let you open a checking account.

Also, debts that come from negative closing balances are sometimes passed on to debt collectors, and those debt collectors might supply information to the big three consumer reporting companies that the debt is in collections. That would affect your credit report and score.

Closed Accounts And Credit Utilization

Use our tradeline calculator to calculate your credit utilization ratios.

Now that you know what a closed account is and why an account may be closed, you may be wondering what a closed account on your credit report means for your credit.

The main impact of closing an account on your credit is the effect on your utilization ratio. By closing an account, you are reducing your total available credit limit, which could increase your overall utilization ratio if you have balances remaining on your other accounts.

Therefore, if you have balances on any of your other cards, you probably dont want to close an account that is helping to keep your overall utilization down, as well as improving your ratio of low-utilization to high-utilization accounts.

On the other hand, if you pay down all your other credit cards to 0% utilization, you can safely close an account without impacting your credit utilization.

Try using our tradeline calculator to calculate your individual and overall credit utilization ratios and see how closing one of your accounts could affect your utilization rate.

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File A Dispute Directly With The Creditor

You can also contact the company that provided the information to the bureau in the first place, such as a bank or credit card issuer. Lenders are required to investigate and respond to all disputes.

Remember to include as much documentation as possible to support your claim. Including a copy of your report marking the error is also helpful.

The address you should mail the letter to is usually listed on your report, under the negative item you’d like to dispute. You can also contact the lender directly to verify the mailing address and the documents you should include.

If the lender finds that it was mistaken or cannot prove that the debt actually belongs to you, it will notify the bureau and ask it to update your file.

How To Dispute Accurate Information In Your Credit Report

How Closed Accounts W/Balances Affect Your FICO/Credit Karma Score (Includes Tradelines Accounts)

Accurate items in your record can’t be removed before the term set by law expires, which is seven years for most negative items. For example, if you truly missed payments on your credit card, your dispute to remove that information will be denied. However, the information will automatically fall off your credit report seven years from the time you missed the payments.

If you do have valid negative items on record, here are some things that might help:

Recommended Reading: Can A Closed Account On Credit Report Be Reopened

How Can I Wipe My Credit Clean

The main ways to erase items in your credit history are filing a credit dispute, requesting a goodwill adjustment, negotiating pay for delete, or hiring a credit repair company. You can also stop using credit and wait for your credit history to be wiped clean automatically, which will usually happen after 710 years.

What Is A Pay

A pay-for-delete letter is what you use to offer to settle a balance on a negative account in exchange for the debt being deleted from your credit report. The creditor or debt collector is not obligated to agree to your request, but it may be worth sending it. If you’re sending the request to a collection agency, you’ll need to offer enough for it to be profitable for them to settle. There’s no way to know how much that is, though. If you’re close to the seven-year mark for the item to fall off your credit report, it may not be worth sending a pay-for-delete letter.

Read Also: How Often Does Your Credit Score Change


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