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How Do Inquiries Affect Credit Score

What Counts As A Hard Pull

How Inquiries Affect Your Credit Score

Generally, any time you apply for a loan, whether it be a home loan, car loan, student loan, personal loan, business loan, etc., youll incur a hard pull . Also, opening new credit cards , some bank and credit union accounts, new phone accounts, new cable/internet service accounts, and new utility accounts can often result in hard pulls.

Even getting auto insurance quotes, applying for apartments, and renting from rental car agencies can result in hard pulls to your credit. And finally, if you ever agree to any kind of background check , there might be a chance for a hard pull.

Sometimes hard pulls occur due to error, so you should always try to verify whether or not an entity will perform a hard pull and try not to take we dont know as an answer. Someone within the chain-of-command should always be able to provide you with a clear answer.

If Youve Applied For Financing Or Other Credit And The Lender Checked Your Credit Scores As Part Of The Process Youve Probably Experienced Whats Called A Hard Credit Inquiry

When lenders check your credit with a hard inquiry , they often make a note of their official review in your . They use that information to assess how youve handled credit in the past, how often youve paid your debts and bills on time, and whether you have any derogatory marks on your credit reports.

They also want to know how much credit youre juggling and how long youve been managing your credit. All of these factors help creditors decide whether to extend new credit to you or give you additional credit.

You can help yourself prepare for a hard credit pull by monitoring your credit reports and making sure there arent any unpleasant surprises. Checking your own credit reports often involves whats known as a soft credit inquiry, or soft pull.

Lets take a deeper look at the differences between hard credit inquiries and soft credit inquiries.

What Is A Credit Inquiry

Anytime someone checks your credit report including yourself, lenders, banks or even landlords, its recorded on your report as a soft or hard credit inquiry.

Each of the three credit bureausEquifax, Experian and TransUnionkeep track of the inquiries on your report because it can say a lot about the risk you pose to lenders. While lenders arent too worried about soft inquiries because it doesnt impact your credit score, they do take caution around hard inquiries. In the lenders eye, multiple hard inquiries can indicate youre taking on more credit than you may be able to afford.

For example, according to FICO, People with six inquiries or more on their credit reports can be up to eight times more likely to declare bankruptcy.

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Inquiries And Rate Shopping

When youre shopping around for a mortgage or auto loan, you want to get the best rateand you should. You might worry that having your credit checked by several lenders could hurt your credit score.

The good news is that most credit score calculations treat all mortgage and auto inquiries as a single inquiry, as long as the inquiries are made within a certain period of time. For the latest version of the FICO score, this period is 45 days.

What Triggers A Hard Inquiry On Your Credit Report

Do inquiries hurt your credit score?

If you see a hard inquiry listed on your credit report it is because you have applied for credit in the last two years.

This could mean that you applied for a credit card, whether it be a rewards card, a cash-back card or even a balance transfer card like the U.S. Bank Visa® Platinum Card.

A hard inquiry will also end up on your personal credit report when you open a business credit card. This is because your personal credit is usually reviewed by the issuer even when applying for a small business credit card, such as the Capital One Spark Classic for Business.

When you apply for a mortgage, student or auto loan, a hard inquiry will be noted on your credit report. There’s a difference, however, between applying for multiple credit cards in a short amount of time and shopping around for the best mortgage rate in a short amount of time.

“There are certain instances, such as applying for a car loan or a mortgage, that only count as one inquiry for scoring purposes as long as they occur within a certain window of time, typically 14 to 45 days,” Shon Anderson, a certified financial planner and president at Anderson Financial Strategies, tells CNBC Select. “The reason is they know you are probably shopping around for the best terms, and you are probably not going to get three or four car loans or mortgages all at once.”

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How Does A Hard Inquiry Affect Your Credit Score

A single hard inquiry can shave up to 5 points off your FICO score. However, with the most-used FICO model, all inquiries within a 45-day period are considered as one inquiry when you are rate shopping, such as for mortgage, student and auto loans. Older FICO models and VantageScore, FICO’s competitor, also group inquiries for rate shopping, but into a 14-day period. A VantageScore spokesman said a hard inquiry can shave up to 10 points off a VantageScore.

Most lenders or card issuers will pull a credit report from just one of the three major credit bureaus Equifax, Experian or TransUnion. So the inquiry will show up on only one of your credit reports. The exception is for a mortgage, when all three credit bureaus are usually checked.

It is smart to limit hard inquiries. Before you apply for credit, check to be as certain as you can that you are likely to be approved so you don’t lose score points without getting the approval you seek. Avoid applying for credit on impulse. Consider whether a discount or bonus you are hoping to receive is worth the potential ding to your credit score. If you have excellent credit, a few points may not be a big deal. However, if you have borderline credit quality, think twice.

How Many Hard Credit Inquiries Is Too Many

Many factors shape your credit scores, including the number of hard inquiries you have on your credit file. Hard inquiries occur when you apply for new credit and the lender requests to review your credit report before approving you. They can have a minimal, temporary negative effect on your scores.

These inquiries differ from a soft inquiry that might occur when, for example, a lender provides quotes and preapproves you for credit offers. Soft inquiries have no influence on your credit scores.

So how many hard inquiries is too many? When it comes to calculating your credit scores, hard inquiries represent just one part of the bigger picture that makes up your credit scoresand a small one at that. Your payment history, credit utilization and length of credit history all play important roles.

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How Many Points Does A Hard Inquiry Affect My Credit Score

A hard inquiry can typically drop your credit score by 5 8 points, but not all inquiries count the same. Understanding how hard inquiries work can help you shop for credit more confidently.

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Shopping for credit can be smart. But it can also affect your credit scores. If you are someone who takes the time tomonitor your credit report and scores, losing a few points can be stressful.

There are benefits to maintaining a high credit score. Youll often get approved for credit faster and easier, and you can qualify for the best interest rates, including zero percent offers. That means you can borrow money cheaply, or even free. You may also be in a better position to negotiate a price on, say, a home or car if you have a high credit score.

To keep you from losing sleep over losing points, weve created this quick guide to help you understand hard inquiries and their impact on your scores. So here goes:

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How do credit inquiries affect credit scores?

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Rate Shopping Can Minimize The Impact Of Hard Inquiries

Sometimes when you apply for credit, each application triggers a hard inquiry. Thatâs how credit card applications work, for example. That means applying for multiple credit cards over a short period of time will lead to multiple hard inquiries. And that could hurt your credit scores more than a single hard inquiry.

But some types of creditâlike auto loans, student loans and mortgagesâwork a little differently. Shopping for auto, student or home financing within a short time frameâusually 14 to 45 daysâcould be treated as just a single hard inquiry. And that could have less of an impact on your credit scores than multiple hard inquiries could have over a short period of time.

So take it from FICO: âIf you need a loan, do your rate shopping within a focused period such as 30 days. FICO Scores distinguish between a search for a single loan and a search for many new credit lines, in part by the length of time over which the inquiries occur.â

Can I Have Too Many Hard Inquiries

Having a lot of hard inquiries within a short time frame will likely have a greater impact on your score. This is because lenders look at multiple credit applications in a short amount of time as a sign of risk. It might also suggest that you are short on cash or getting ready to rack up debt.

While every hard inquiry isnt necessarily damaging to your credit, limiting the number of them is an important part of successfully managing your credit score. To learn more about how PlainsCapital Bank can help you maintain good credit, call us at 866.303.0557 or visit your local bank branch today.

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Combining Multiple Inquiries For Credit Cards

The shopping around logic that combines multiple inquiries for auto, mortgage, and student loans is not designed to work for credit cards.

With installment loans, even though you may be approved for the loan, you still have the option of choosing whether or not you want to accept the loan and take delivery of the money. You will probably not open all the accounts, so multiple inquiries can be collapsed into one.

Sometimes, however, if you apply for multiple credit cards with the same issuer in a short period of time, you may only end up with one inquiry on some or all of your credit reports. This is not because the issuer is combining the inquiries and only pulling your credit once. Instead, the credit bureaus see that you have multiple inquiries that look exactly the same, because theyre from the same issuer on the same day. Since the credit bureaus want to avoid duplicate information and the inquiries look identical, they may only count one of them.

Does Your Credit Score Go Up When A Hard Inquiry Drops Off

CREDIT SAVVY with Chantel Bernal: How Do Inquiries Affect ...

If you recently passed the 2-year mark from the last time you had a hard inquiry on your credit , you might think that your credit score should increase as a result. However, this might not be the case.

First, a hard inquiry will only drop your score by a few pointstypically less than 5. Even if your score increases, you might not notice much of a difference.

Next, credit scores are created through a variety of factors. Its likely that your credit score already rebounded a few months after your hard inquiry anyway. If you continue to pay off your loans and practice good financial health, your credit score will overcome any hard inquiries.

Finally, most credit modeling companies only look at the past 12 months of your history. This means they might not take your older hard inquiries into consideration when assigning you a credit rating.

A hard credit inquiry is meant to provide clarity into your financial history and behavior. Its not meant to punish your credit score. This is why a hard inquiry dropping off might not have the impact you expect.

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The Difference Between Hard And Soft Inquiries

All inquiries that appear on your credit reports fall neatly within one of two categories: soft inquiries or hard inquiries. A soft inquiry does not normally represent a formal application of credit, but indicates that your credit report was pulled by either an existing creditor or a company that wants to make you a firm offer of credit or insurance. They also can include a record of you requesting your own report and requests for employment purposes. Because they are not the result of a credit application, soft inquiries do not affect your credit score.

Hard inquiries normally occur when a consumer formally applies for some form of credit, like an auto loan, a mortgage or a credit card. These inquiries can remain on your credit reports for up to two years. Hard inquiries are seen by credit scoring systems and can cause you to have a lower score, but not always. To the extent an inquiry does cause you to have a lower score, the impact of the inquiry will not last more than 12 months and any impact is minimal.

What Is A Hard Credit Inquiry

A hard credit inquiry typically takes place when you apply for a credit card, mortgage, or car loan.

The credit bureaus track much of your financial activity, including:

Credit card balances

History of payments for revolving credit and installment loans

Number and type of credit accounts

Bankruptcy and other public record filings if they meet the minimum standards for reporting

The Fair Credit Reporting Act dictates that a person or organization must have a permissible purpose to access your reports. But federal law and some state laws allow quite a few parties to pull your credit if you have a current or potential relationship with them, Nolo says.

These entities can legally request your credit reports, according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act:


Insurance companies

Entities that have a court order

All hard inquiries will show up on your credit reports, and each hard pull outside the scope of rate shopping for a single loan may lower your credit score a tadby less than five points, according to FICO® . FICO and VantageScore are the two most common scoring models used to convert credit report information into credit scores, ranging from 300 to 850 points.

Multiple inquiries from auto, mortgage, or private student loan lenders within a short period of time are typically treated as a single inquiry. For FICO, its a 45-day window for VantageScore, its 14 days.

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How Do Hard Pulls Affect Your Credit

Hard pulls show up as an inquiry on your credit report. These inquiries are reflected in the new credit factor of your credit score, which makes up 10% of your score.

FICO scores, developed by the Fair Isaac Corporation, are the scores most lenders use when making approval decisions. Altogether, the average person can have more than four dozen FICO scores.

Along with hard inquiries, your FICO score is calculated using these factors:

What To Know About Rate Shopping

How Will Multiple Credit Inquiries Affect My Credit Score?

Research has indicated that FICO Scores are more predictive when they treat loans that commonly involve rate-shopping, such as mortgage, auto and student loans, in a different way. For these types of loans, FICO Scores ignore inquiries made in the 30 days prior to scoring. So, if you find a loan within 30 days, the inquiries won’t affect your scores while you’re rate shopping.

In addition, FICO Scores look on your credit report for rate-shopping inquiries older than 30 days. If your FICO Scores find some, your scores will consider inquiries that fall in a typical shopping period as just one inquiry. For FICO Scores calculated from older versions of the scoring formula, this shopping period is any 14-day span. For FICO Scores calculated from the newest versions of the scoring formula, this shopping period is any 45-day span. Each lender chooses which version of the FICO scoring formula it wants the credit reporting agency to use to calculate your FICO Scores.

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Where Can I Check My Credit Score

Category: Credit 1. How Can I Check My Credit Scores? | Equifax® Youre entitled to a free copy of your credit reports every 12 months from each of the three nationwide credit bureaus by visiting Core Credit · Credit Score Range · FICO Score · Credit Scores Check your

Do Hard Pulls Hurt My Chances Of Getting A Mortgage

First, if I were planning to buy a house Id probably sit out from applying for credit cards for 6 to 12 months, leaning more towards 12. This would definitely be the case if I knew my potential lender used FICO.

But this might still make you curious about the impact of inquiries that are over one year old. Would those count against you when trying to get a mortgage?

Ive spoken with a mortgage lender about this issue and this is the response I received verbatim:

We dont really look at the number of inquiries but rather if those inquiries have resulted in new debt. If they are just inquiries that didnt result in new debt then we dont care about them.

That means that they are more concerned with installment loans like personal loans, car loans, etc., and wouldnt care about additional credit card accounts .

I know lenders can vary dramatically, so dont take this advice to be universal. However, its good to know that even if you have inquiries that will take another 12 months to fall off your report , they may not have any negative impact on you getting approved for a mortgage. Again, always check up on this stuff with your local real estate experts and lenders, since Im sure this varies.

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