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Is 825 A Good Credit Score

Improving Your Credit Score

If you know anyone who has LESS than an 825 credit score, send this to them Now.

Converting a Very Poor credit score to a Fair or a Good one is a gradual process. It can’t be done quickly . But you can start to see some steady score improvements within a few months if you begin immediately to develop habits that promote good credit scores. Here are some good starting points:

Pay your bills on time. Yes, you’ve heard it before. But there’s no better way to improve your credit score. If you have accounts that are past-due or in collections.

Avoid high credit utilization rates. Try to keep your utilization across all your accounts below about 30% to avoid lowering your score.

Among consumers with FICO® credit scores of 525, the average utilization rate is 89.9%.

Consider a debt-management plan. If you’re having trouble repaying your loans and credit cards, a debt-management plan could bring some relief. You work with a non-profit credit-counseling agency to work out a manageable repayment schedule. Entering into a DMP effectively closes all your credit card accounts. This can severely lower your credit scores, but your scores can rebound from it more quickly than they would from bankruptcy. If this sounds too extreme for you, you may still want to consulting a credit counselor to devise a game plan for improving your credit.

Shopping For Credit Cards With A 825 Credit Score

When shopping for credit cards, make sure you explore all of your options. In other words, dont just sit down with one potential creditor and decide to accept their deal or not. Sit down with multiple potential creditors and compare and contrast them to find out what works best for you.

If you already have a credit card, but have been shopping for one that is cheaper, you can then go to your existing creditor and request them to either match or beat an offer from another credit card company. Tell them that you believe you are paying too much money in fees and interest, and ask them if they are willing to lower their rates and fees down to the other credit card company that you are thinking about switching to.

If they refuse, then you can switch accounts, but dont close your existing account immediately. You still want to make the minimum payment on. it while you are waiting for your balance to transfer to your new account. You only want to close a credit account when your balance is at zero.

Regularly Read Your Reports

Since your credit score is based off of the information in your credit report, take time to review your reports regularly. You want to be sure everything is an accurate, true reflection of your financial story. As you become more comfortable reading and understanding the data in your report, the easier it is to identify which information is potentially causing changes in your credit score.

To help you understand your credit report, weve created an interactive guide that breaks down each section and explains how the information may impact your credit score.

Disclaimer: The information posted to this blog was accurate at the time it was initially published. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. The information contained in the TransUnion blog is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. You should consult your own attorney or financial adviser regarding your particular situation. For complete details of any product mentioned, visit This site is governed by the TransUnion Interactive privacy policy located here.

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Does Anyone Have A 850 Credit Score

Its true that Americans have a perfect 850 FICO Score. In fact, the score reads 850 with 1,153 points added to it. It is estimated that 2% of all FICO scores have been missed in the United States. 850 is currently the units worth. You might think of it as an alternative-and potentially less glamorous-to 1.5%. The best terms and at the lowest interest rates can be obtained even with a low credit score.

Mortgage Rates For Excellent Credit

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Having excellent credit is one of the first steps to getting a great mortgage rate. But there are other factors at play here too, like the total cost of your home and your debt-to-income ratio.

Once youve got a sense of how much house you can afford and the type of mortgage you want, its time to shop around to understand the rates that might be available to you. Getting a mortgage preapproval can help you understand how much you can borrow and make your offer more competitive.

Compare current mortgage rates on Credit Karma to explore your options.

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How Common Is A Credit Score Over 800

FICO credit scores above 800 are only taken by about 1 in 6 consumers. Mortgage companies typically offer the best terms and rates to borrowers with FICO scores in the 700s, even if there are a few differences between people with 800s and people with 701s. They are not to miss payments, as they should.

Can I Get A Car / Auto Loan W/ A 825 Credit Score

Trying to qualify for an auto loan with a 825 credit score is very cheap. There is little to no risk for a car lender .

Taking out an auto loan out with a 825 credit score, should be extremely easy.

It gets even better.

You can improve your loan terms with a few simple steps to repair your credit.

An ideal option at this stage is reaching out to a credit repair company to evaluate your score and see how they can increase it.

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Credit Score Is It Good Or Bad How To Improve Your 825 Fico Score

An 825 credit score is excellent. Before you can do anything to increase your 825 credit score, you need to identify what part of it needs to be improved, plain and simple. And in order to identify what needs to be improved, you should probably be aware of all the things that count and dont count towards your score.

Average Credit Score By Year


Americans actually have better credit than ever. The average score has increased about 10 points the past seven years. Here’s how it’s risen, according to FICO data from October of each year:

2018 705

Americans have more consumer debt than ever before, holding a total of $14.3 trillion in debt in the first quarter of 2020. But at the same time, credit scores are rising. The period spanning from June 2009 until early 2020 became America’s longest-running period of economic expansion, and brought low unemployment rates. This could have contributed to America’s rising credit scores, with more people borrowing money and paying bills on time.

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Can You Pay Off Your Balance Each Month

Never apply for a loan or credit if you dont first believe that you can afford to pay off the balance at the end of each month. This may sound obvious, but youd be surprised at how many people apply for credit or loans without asking themselves this question.

Ask yourself how you will use the credit card. Will you carry a balance, or can you indeed pay it off each month? Will you pay it off some months and not in others?

Roughly three fifths of all Americans who possess a credit card have a balance on that card. Despite this, you may want to pay off your balance at the end of each month so you can definitively avoid additional interest charges.

Recognize That Your Rates Can Increase

Currently, credit card companies cannot raise your credit rate for at least one year after you have opened your account, unless any of the following circumstances apply:

  • A six month introductory rate exists
  • You are late paying your bill by sixty days
  • You have a card with a variable rate that is tied to an index and that index increases

You need to recognize that your credit rates will increase in the future, at least after the initial twelve months, and you need to establish with your potential creditor exactly when your rates will increase, by how much, and if there is anything you can do to lower your rates.

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Here’s Why I Don’t Care That My Credit Score Is Going To Suffer

Most of the potential damage I’m going to do to my score is short-term. The inquiries I get for applying for a new card will drop off my credit report within two years, and my new accounts will eventually become old ones. And as my balances are paid off, my credit utilization ratio will improve.

But the bottom line is, I can afford to take this hit to my credit score because my score is already so high. The reality is that no one needs an 825 credit score to qualify for the most competitive rates or the best loan terms. Any FICO® Score above 800 is considered excellent, while 740 or above is a very good score that can help you get almost any loan or credit card you want.

A very good or excellent credit score is definitely worth aspiring to. But the reason to earn such a high score is that doing so opens up doors for you financially. Having a high score by itself may give you bragging rights, but it’s most beneficial if it lets you use your money wisely. And for me, right now, using my excellent credit as a tool to unlock awesome credit card offers seems like a good tradeoff.

Improve Your Creditworthiness By Adopting The Strategies Used By Those With High Credit Scores

Can you be one of the top 5 percenters with 825+ credit score? Do you ...

Without even knowing it you might be doing things that are damaging your credit score, which affects your ability to get credit and the interest rate you pay when you do get credit. A 2014 survey by found that consumers sometimes dont understand which actions will and will not help them improve their credit scores.

To take the right steps to boost your score, you need to start by understanding the basics of credit scores. The FICO credit score is the most widely used score in lending decisions and ranges from 300 to 850. A FICO score of 750 to 850 is considered excellent, and those with a score in that range have access to the lowest rates and best loan terms, according to, the consumer division of FICO. A score of 700 to 749 is good, and those with a score in this range will likely be approved for loans but might pay a slightly higher interest rate. A score of 650 to 699 is considered fair, and those with a score in this range will pay higher rates and could even be declined for loans and credit, according to

You can get a free VantageScore 3.0 and a credit score from Experian through . provides a free VantageScore and a TransUnion credit score with its credit report card. And Quizzle offers a free VantageScore 3.0 from Equifax. Or you could pay $19.95 per FICO score from each of the three bureaus at

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Formulating A Plan To Improve Your 825 Credit Rating

First aid foremost, you need to understand that it takes time for you to build up your credit score. Dont expect it to be improved in the next week or the next month, even if you do everything necessary to improve it.

If you have any negative factors on your credit report right now, including a late payment, a bankruptcy, or an inquiry, you may want to pay the bills now and then wait. Remember that time is your ally, not your enemy. In the end, there is no quick fix for rebuilding a credit score. It takes time.

In formulating a plan to rebuild your credit rating, you need to understand how specific actions that you take will harm or hurt your credit score. For example, will working with your creditor to close an existing account in favor of rebuilding a new one with more favorable terms hurt or harm you?

Here are two factors for you to consider: a change to your credit report will affect your credit score , and your score is based entirely on the figures that are already in your report.

A major question that people have is how long it will take for them to improve their credit score. But heres what these people are missing: there isnt anything you can do to boost your actual score. Instead, you can do many things to rebuild your history of credit, and the healthier your credit history, the more elevated your credit score will be.

Know What Information You Need To Look At

You also need to know what information you should look at when looking at credit cards. When you are offered a credit card, you will be given a variety of information, such as the APR . Sometimes the credit card offer will offer a variety of rates, and you wont know what rate you will get until after you have been approved. You would be foolish to assume that you will get the lowest rate possible.

Another piece of information to look at is the credit limit. Your potential creditor will tell you that your card is limited up to a certain point, but again, you may not qualified for the maximum limit. When you do max out a credit card that has a low credit limit, it can harm your credit score.

Some credit card companies will also have a penalty APR. Always find out what the penalty rate is before applying for a card, what causes you to have the penalty, and how long the penalty will last.

Finally, look at any fees that come with the credit card. Examples of fees include late payment fees, cash advance fees, annual fees, and transfer fees. Again, dont apply for a credit card until after you have found out exactly what these rates are.

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Keeping Your Credit Card Balance Low

The very act of having credit cards will impact your credit rating. Regardless of whether its positive or negative, it has an impact.

But something else that you want to ensure you do is keep the balance on your credit card low. The balance on your credit cards can influence over one third of your total credit score. The higher your balance is, the lower your score will be.

What you want your credit card history to show is that you have been reducing your balance on an active basis by making your minimum monthly payments on time and using your credit cards responsibly.

A good rule to follow is for your balance on your credit card to be 35% of the total limit on that card. So if you have a limit of $1,000 on your card, you want your balance to be $350 at the very highest. This holds true regardless of whether you have one credit card or multiple cards. In the long run, this will not only prevent your overall credit score from dropping, but it could also cause it to increase.

The reason why this is so important is because most lenders these days want you to stay as far away from the limit as possible in order to have the best credit scores. In fact, most experts would recommend that you never use more than fifty percent of your total available credit. If you use any more than that, or if you max out your limit, your overall credit score will drop.

Can You Get A 900 Credit Score


Despite 900s ability or rather low relevance, 850 isnt impossible. The difference between your credit score on FICO and VantageScore ranges 300 850, making the latter an entirely ideal credit score of 800 or above, since higher scores arent going to save you anything money when it comes to money transfer.

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Another Way To Boost Your Score

In addition to the steps I’ve taken to raise my score, you can also do other things to boost your credit.

One option is to get added as an authorized user to a credit card that has a long history of on-time payments. The positive credit history from that account will show up on your credit record and help to raise your score. If you have a parent or older relative with a card that’s been in good standing for a long time, consider asking if they’d be willing to add you to their account.

Being added as an authorized user is one way to raise your credit score fast. I didn’t take advantage of this because I had time to increase my score while I was in law school before I needed to take out any big loans such as a mortgage.

If youve had credit issues in the past and are committed to improving your score, you can also apply for a secured credit card. These cards allow you to put down a security deposit, and you can spend up to that limit. As you pay your balance, the card issuer reports your activity to the three credit bureaus. Making regular payments in full can result in a boost to your credit score over time.


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