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Is 662 A Good Credit Score

How To Go From Good To Great

What is a Good Credit Score?

To borrow from Leo Tolstoy, all great credit scores are alike, but all bad credit scores are bad in their own way. That is, ideal credit scores are built on a similar set of healthy financial habits, but your scores can be damaged by any number of factors. There are many different issues that can hurt your credit, such as:

Late or missed payments. Too many open credit accounts. High credit card balances. High balances on loans. Too many credit applications.

The first step toward improving your credit health is avoiding getting trapped in the highs and lows of managing your credit.

Heather Battison, vice president of TransUnion Canada explains how consistency is key: The most important factor for building and maintaining your scores is to pay your bills on time and in full each month. This activity demonstrates your ability to responsibly manage credit and can positively impact your credit scores.

Its also key to remember that your payment history isnt just about paying your credit card bill. It also includes things like your cellphone bill, says Trevor Gillis, associate vice president of account management at TD Credit Cards.

Gillis says building good credit scores is based on using your credit card responsibly, which means making at least the required monthly minimum payment , making your payments by the payment due date and keeping your credit card utilization low.

Can I Get A Rewards Credit Card With Fair Credit

You may struggle to get approved for a cash back or travel rewards credit card with fair credit. While you might be able to find a card that earns a limited amount of cash back on purchases, the most-rewarding credit cards generally require good or excellent credit.

If a top-notch rewards card is your ultimate goal, dont be discouraged. You may be surprised by how much good, persistent habits can affect your credit scores.

And thats one nice thing about credit cards. Even the ones that arent the absolute best can help you build credit by reporting your account activity to the three major credit bureaus. This information makes its way into your credit reports and ultimately can impact your credit scores. So, as long as you make on-time payments and follow the other credit-building tips outlined above, you can put yourself in a position to qualify for a better credit card in the future.

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Credit Score: Is It Good Or Bad

A FICO® Score of 662 places you within a population of consumers whose credit may be seen as Fair. Your 662 FICO® Score is lower than the average U.S. credit score.

17% of all consumers have FICO® Scores in the Fair range


Statistically speaking, 28% of consumers with credit scores in the Fair range are likely to become seriously delinquent in the future.

Some lenders dislike those odds and choose not to work with individuals whose FICO® Scores fall within this range. Lenders focused on “subprime” borrowers, on the other hand, may seek out consumers with scores in the Fair range, but they typically charge high fees and steep interest rates. Consumers with FICO® Scores in the good range or higher are generally offered significantly better borrowing terms.

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What Is Considered A Good Credit Score In South Africa

A good credit score is a valuable asset and worth working towards. Most South Africans find it extremely difficult to live without credit and a good score can save you a lot of money. It will give you better access to credit at a more favorable interest rate. Over time, this can save you a large amount of money.

All South Africans are entitled to one free credit report a year. It is a good idea to take advantage of this in order to monitor your credit rating and credit score. The report should show you where many of your weaknesses are and assist you in improving your score.

In order to do this, it is necessary to understand what the score says about your credit history. Scores range from 300 to 850 with the higher scores being more positive. A score in excess of 700 is a good score and should give you good access to credit at a preferential interest rate. Above 767 is excellent and shows you to be a very low-risk consumer that institutions would be happy to give credit to.

Scores below 581 are considered to be below average and a higher risk to financial institutions. Below 526 is seen as unfavorable and you will have difficulty getting finance with a score in that range. If you did manage to get credit the interest will be extremely high.

Does A Car Loan Build Credit

Is 662 a Good Credit Score?

Having a car loan can build credit in two important ways: payment history and credit mix.

Payment history is your track record of paying bills on time. It accounts for more of your credit score than any other single factor. Traditional lenders report your payments to the three major credit bureaus, which provide the data to calculate your credit scores.

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Heres How To Improve A 662 Credit Score:

  • Dispute Negatives: If you can prove that negative information on your credit report is inaccurate , you can dispute the record to have it corrected or removed.
  • Pay Off Collections Accounts: Once you bring a collection accounts balance down to zero, it stops affecting your VantageScore 3.0 credit score.
  • Reduce Utilization: Its best to use less than 30% of the available credit on your credit card accounts each month. You can reduce your credit utilization by spending less, making bigger payments or paying multiple times per month.
  • Pay On Time: Payment history is the most important ingredient in your credit score. Paying on time every month establishes a track record of responsibility as a borrower, while a single late payment on your credit report can set back credit improvement efforts significantly.

You can track your credit scores progress for free on WalletHub, the only site with free daily updates and personalized advice.

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Related Scores

Use Your Understanding Of Credit To Build Your Credit Score

The first step in your credit journey is understanding what a credit score is and how it is calculated. Once you know the basics about credit score, you can begin to improve your credit score. Doing so doesn’t simply improve your standing in the eyes of lenders, but it can also save you thousands of dollars in interest payments over the course of your lifetime.

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Ways To Reduce Your Auto Loan Interest Rate

With a credit score between 660 and 669, you are going to qualify for prime loans at a higher interest rate than if you were able to increase your credit score to 780+.

Because you are so close to receiving prime credit score rates it may make sense to consider spending 30, 60, or 90 days building your credit.

The time and money spent would put you in a lower risk bracket and open the doors to much more financial freedom and better opportunities.

Another option to get a vehicle loan with a lower interest rate would be to ask a family member to co-sign on the loan.

The co-signer would become the primary borrower and you would be the secondary borrower.

They would be responsible for making the payments on the loan if you failed to do so, but you would qualify for an auto loan based on their credit score and not yours.

If you know someone with a good credit score, it may not hurt to ask them to be your co-signer.

Additional Auto Loan Resources

How To Turn A 662 Credit Score Into An 850 Credit Score

What Is a Credit Score?

There are two types of 662 credit score. On the one hand, theres a 662 credit score on the way up, in which case 650 will be just one pit stop on your way to good credit, excellent credit and, ultimately, top WalletFitness®. On the other hand, theres a 662 credit score going down, in which case your current score could be one of many new lows yet to come.

Everyone obviously wants his or her credit score to be on an upward trajectory. So whether you need to turn things around or increase the pace of your improvement, youd better get to work. You can find personalized advice on your WalletHub credit analysis page, and well cover the strategies that everyone can use below.

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What Credit Score Do You Need To Buya House

You dont need perfect or even good credit to buy a house. In fact, the minimum credit score to get a mortgage is 580 which is considered only fair.

Remember, mortgage lenders dont look at your credit score in a vacuum.

They also look at your credit report, debts, and down payment. The stronger you are in these areas, the more likely you are to get away with a low credit score.

The downside to lower credit is that youll pay a higher interest rate. But many buyers with low scores choose to buy now and refinance for a better rate when their credit improves later on.

What Does A 662 Credit Score Get You


As you can see, most people who are at least 35 years old have a credit score of 650 or higher. And even younger folks nearly have a majority. This just goes to show that people with 650 credit scores come in all shapes and sizes, with diverse backgrounds and differing financial obligations.

As a result, the grades for each component of your credit score, which you can find on the Credit Analysis page of your free WalletHub account, might not exactly match those of another individual with a 650 score. But the sample scorecard below will give you a pretty good idea of what a 650 score is made of.Sample Scorecard 662 Credit Score:

  • Payment History: C = 98% on-time payments
  • B = 10% – 29% utilization
  • Debt Load: A = Debt-to-income ratio below 0.28
  • Account Age: B = Average tradeline is 7 or 8 years old
  • Account Diversity: C = 2 account types or 5 – 9 total accounts
  • Hard Credit Inquiries: A = Fewer than 3 in past 24 months
  • Collections Accounts & Public Records: A = 0 collections accounts and public records

These are by no means the only credit-score grades capable of producing a score of 650, nor will they necessarily result in that exact rating. However, this is representative of the type of scorecard someone with a 662 credit score can expect: plenty As and Bs, but no failing grades to be found.

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You Can Raise Your 662 Credit Score With Hard Work

Improving your 662 credit score can take a lot of work. By following the previous steps can make all the difference. Raising your credit score will take time, but you can see your credit score go up within a year, which could save you countless amounts on interest rates. Taking the time and the effort to improve your 662 credit score is worth the time investment. Take advantage of a , by searching for the best credit repair agency near me, and also reviewing your free annual credit report on the website,

Factors That Can Affect A Credit Score

Is A 660 to 669 Credit Score Good? Or Bad? (2021)

There are 5 main factors that can affect the calculation of a credit score. If youre interested in improving your credit these are the areas that you should focus on.

History of Payments

This is determined by the payments you have made to lenders or creditors. This ultimately reflects on how frequently you pay your loans or bills on time. Anyone looking to improve their credit scores should always make their payments on time, without fail.

Debt/ Credit Utilization

This shows the amount of outstanding debt a consumer has compared to the amount of available credit they have. For example, if you have a total credit limit of $5,000 and consistently carry a high balance, your credit score may be negatively affected. To help improve your credit scores, pay down your debt and make sure you need your balance to lower than 35% of your available credit.

This factor is straightforward, the longer a credit account has been open, the better it is for your credit scores. If youre considering cancelling a credit card, make sure you cancel a new one and keep the older ones open.

New Inquiries

Every time a potential lender or creditor pulls your credit, your credit score may take a small and temporary hit. If you apply for a lot of new credit within a short period of time, your credit score may drop and other creditors will be able to see that youve recently applied for a lot of credit which they may consider to be a red flag.


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Correcting Credit Report Errors

You can and should check yourcredit report before buying a house. Consumers can get one free credit reportper year on

In the event that you find errors on your credit report, take steps to correct them as quickly as possible.

First, contact the creditbureaus about the errors. You should also contact whichever creditors haveprovided the erroneous information.

Under the Fair CreditReporting Act, each of these parties is responsible for correcting inaccurateor incomplete information in your credit report.

For simplicity, disputes canbe managed online. If all three bureaus report the same error, though, rememberto report the error to all three bureaus. Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion donot share such information with each other.

The law requires creditbureaus to investigate the items in question, usually within 30 days, unlessyour dispute is considered frivolous. Note that you may need to includecopies of documents which support your position. Never send originals!

Within 45 days, the creditbureaus will notify you with the results of the investigation.

Then, youll want to obtain a new copy of your credit report in order to make sure that the errors have been corrected before applying for a mortgage.

Shopping For The Best Rates On Loans And Credit Cards For A Credit Score Under 662

If you are ever on the market for high-priced items, such as home appliances, it is very common for people to walk into the store and get offered a discount or an otherwise excellent financing deal.. .but only if they open up a credit card account with that store.

Why do stores offer these credit cards? The reason why is because theres usually a high interest rate or multiple fees that go along with them. Those rates and fees can be found on the small fine print of the credit card deal, but of course, the store doesnt tell you.

A golden rule of credit cards is that you should only apply for credit that is a necessity for your financial life. When applying for a credit card from a retail store, youre probably only going to use it once, twice, or three times maximum. You could just as easily be using an existing credit card that you already have.

Heres why this is so critical: applying for multiple credit cards within a few months of each other will be very harmful to your overall credit score. Never apply for a credit card that you dont need.

Now, when you do decide to apply for credit cards and loans in general, there are a few factors that you will want to remember, including:

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How To Improve Your Credit Score

If you have an average credit score or worse, its worth taking steps to improve your score over time. Heres are some moves you can make:

  • Pay your bills on time every single month. Late and missed payments are the single biggest factor affecting your score.
  • Lower your credit utilization. Credit utilization is measured by how much of your credit limit you use. For example, if you have a $10,000 limit and debt of $5,000, youre utilizing 50% of your available credit. If possible, aim for 30% or less overall and on individual credit cards.
  • Check your credit report. You can check your credit reports from each of the three credit bureaus once a year for free through . Reviewing your credit reports can help you spot any errors that may be having a negative impact on your score so you can take steps to correct them.
  • Consider a secured card. If you have poor or bad credit, building a credit history with a secured card can be a good way to start. Choose a secured card that reports to all three credit bureaus for the best chance having your good payment behavior improve your credit standing.

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What Is A Good Credit Score For A Mortgage

9 Great Benefits You Can Get With a Good Credit Score

Your credit score arguably matters more on a mortgage application than with any other type of personal financing. With a mortgage, a good credit score might save you thousands of dollars in interest every year.

For example, say you have a FICO credit score around 640 when you apply for a $350,000 mortgage. FICOs Loan Savings Calculator estimated that in June 2020, your APR would be around 3.957% on a 30-year, fixed-rate loan. Your monthly payment would be $1,662, and youd pay $248,424 in interest over the life of your loan.

Now, imagine you work to improve your FICO Score to 680. With the higher score, you might qualify for an APR of 3.313%. Based on the lower rate, your monthly payment would be $1,535 for the same home. You would pay $202,726 in interest over your 30-year loan term. Because you improved your credit score from fair to good, you would save:

  • $127 per month
  • $1,524 per year
  • $45,698 over the life of the loan

If youre aiming to qualify for a mortgage lenders lowest rates, that generally falls under a FICO Score of 760 or higher. Of course, getting a great mortgage rate requires more than just a brag-worthy credit score. But the three-digit numbers sold alongside your credit reports are a key factor that mortgage lenders consider when you apply for financing.

Read More:How Your Credit Score Affects Your Mortgage Rates

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