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How To Get Rid Of Inquiries On My Credit Report

How Long Will Hard Inquiries Stay On My Credit Report

Remove Hard Inquiries from Credit Report (FAST & FREE)

As mentioned before, your FICO score will be affected by hard inquiries for the duration of two years from the date that they were reported. If you have multiple hard pulls or credit checks within a short period, it is important to remove them as quickly as possible to minimize their impact on your credit score.

When you remove hard inquiries from your credit report, you will get a higher credit score soon. However, that doesnt mean that the hard inquiries will automatically drop off your credit reports within a few days. It can take up to 45 days for them to disappear from your reports. This depends on the credit bureaus, so make sure to check with them in order to get an accurate answer.

How To Dispute A Hard Inquiry On Your Credit Report

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If youve checked your credit reports, you may have noticed youre not the only one taking a peek.

  • Utilities use them to decide whether to charge you a deposit.

  • Companies may check your credit standing so they can market products to you.

  • Potential landlords and employers may look to see how reliable you are.

Inquiries stay on your report for two years, but not all of them affect your score. Heres what you need to know about when and how to remove a hard inquiry from your credit report.

Will Too Many Credit Inquiries Affect Your Credit Score

  • Hard credit inquiries are bad because too many of them can indicate to a creditor that you’re “credit hungry” and may be in financial trouble.
  • Worse yet, the creditor has reason to believe that you received many of the credit lines that are showing as inquiries, and that many of those credit lines have not yet appeared on your credit report.
  • Too many recent inquiries indicate to a potential credit grantor that your debt-to-income ratio may be much higher than you say.

You can read our full article on how inquiries impact your credit score.

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Are You Affected By Credit Inquiries As A Co

It could be that you are a co-signer on another persons loan or credit application. In this case, your own credit report and score can be affected. This is because, as a co-signer, you are accepting full responsibility for the debt if the borrower does not pay back the borrowed funds as agreed.

In the case of co-signing for someone else, the information about the loan or account will actually show up on both your and the other persons credit report. So its important to make sure the person you are co-signing for is financially responsible, and that they will make all their required payments on time.

Check Your Credit Report Regularly

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It isn’t common to find inaccurate information on your credit report, but it can happen. To avoid letting fraudulent and other erroneous information go unchecked, make it a goal to check your credit report regularly. Review what’s listed and watch out for anything you don’t recognize.

Also keep an eye on your credit score , and watch out for sudden drops that could indicate fraudulent activity, such as a bogus account opened in your name that’s gone unpaid.

It’s not always possible to prevent identity theft, but as you keep track of your credit history, you’ll be in a better position to stop a difficult situation from getting much worse.

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What Can Lenders See On Your Credit Report

Your creditreport provides a detailed summary of your credit history. It includes your personal information and lists details on your past and current credit accounts. It also documents each time you or a lender requests your credit report, as well as instances where your accounts have been passed on to a collection agency. Financial issues that are part of the public record, such as bankruptcies and foreclosures, are included, too.

Why Check Your Credit Report

Your credit report is a record of how well you manage credit. Errors on your credit report can give lenders the wrong impression. If there’s an error on your credit report, a lender may turn you down for credit cards or loans, or charge you a higher interest rate. You may also not be able to rent a house or apartment or get a job.

Errors can also be a sign that someone is trying to steal your identity. They may be trying to open credit cards, mortgages or other loans under your name.

Take a close look at your credit report at least once a year to see if there are any errors.

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Applying For Credit Hard Inquiries

When applying for new credit you will generally give your name, address, phone number and social security number. These are needed to accurately identify the correct credit record to pull.

Your credit application will require your signature, giving the lender or a financial consultant permission to access your credit file. You may be familiar with this approach if you have ever bought a car.

If you walk into the dealership, they will ask you to fill out a credit application before they allow you to test drive. You may be subject to multiple hard inquiries using this approach, as the dealership will shop around for the best deal for you. Events like this results in a hard pull.

After I bought my car from a national dealership, I viewed my credit report and saw eight entries. I immediately panicked because I was not aware that the dealers finance personnel petitioned that number of lenders.

After some research, I found that the FICO scoring models treated multiple inquiries for one type of loan as one inquiry, indicating that you were shopping around for the best rates. This method prevents your score from taking a complete nosedive.

How long do hard inquiries stay on your report? Hard inquiries impact your score for about a year, but generally fall off your report within 2 years.

You Did Not Authorize The Hard Pull

How To REMOVE Hard Inquiries From Credit Report For FREE!

Can you remove hard inquiries from your credit report if you did not authorize it? The answer is YES.

A company can only perform a hard pull on your credit report if you give them permission to do so. Even if you recognize the company or if you have a current account with the lender, they are not legally allowed to do a hard inquiry unless you give them your authorization.

If you believe that the hard inquiry was done without your permission, you can dispute this inquiry. The lender or the credit bureau can then remove it from your credit report.

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Locate The Hard Inquiries Listed On Your Report

Locate the section in your report containing the Hard Inquiry information.

Equifax and Experian make it incredibly easy for you. You will see a header titled Hard Inquiries.

With TransUnion, you will want to look for the Regular Inquiries section.

Take a look at all the inquiries listed. Pay close attention did you authorize this lender to access your information?

If you arent sure if this is worth your time to review your report, believe me, it is.

There are over 1.3 billion transactions monthlybeing reported to the credit agencies. Its very possible a mistake could occur!

If they are not legitimate, then you have recourse. Once youve identified the unauthorized hard inquiry, then its time to dispute it.

Work With A Credit Counseling Agency

Several non-profit credit counseling organizations, like the National Foundation for Credit Counseling , can help dispute inaccurate information on your credit report. The NFCC can provide debt counseling services, help review your credit reports, work with lenders, and help create a debt management plan free of charge.

As always, be wary of predatory credit organizations or companies. Make sure to find a reputable counseling agency and keep a lookout for any red flags, like hidden fees or lack of transparency.

When looking for a credit counselor, the Federal Trade Commission advises consumers to check out each potential agency with:

  • The Attorney General of your state
  • Local consumer protection agencies
  • The United States Trustee program

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Dont Worry About The Rest

Legitimate hard inquiries can ding your credit score, but not by much and not for long. Hard inquiries … represent potential new debt that doesnt yet appear in the credit report as an account, says Rod Griffin, Experians director of public education.

Typically, any impact drops off dramatically after a month or two, Griffin says, either because you did not add the debt, so theres no risk, or you did open an account and its now wrapped into other credit factors.

Some companies say they can remove even legitimate inquiries from your report for a fee but NerdWallet advises against using them. As long as youre not continuing to pile up applications, time will repair any damage to your credit.

Griffin advises keeping perspective because other things influence your credit score more .

Hard inquiries alone will never be the reason a person is declined for credit, he says. Inquiries may be the proverbial straw that broke the camels back, but they will not be the entire bale of hay.

About the author:Bev O’Shea writes about credit for NerdWallet. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, MarketWatch and elsewhere.Read more

What Is A Credit Inquiry

Getting rid of hard credit report inquiries

A credit inquiry takes place when a bank, lender, or other credit-issuing institution views your credit report before offering you a loan or credit card.

There are other instances where a credit inquiry may also be used, which can include:

  • A landlord or property management company checking your credit before approving you for an apartment lease
  • A cell phone company inquiring about your credit before approving you for a contract
  • A potential employer who wants to make sure your credit is in favorable standing before offering you a job

Hot Tip: While some situations will require that you actually apply for a product or service before they can check your credit, there are other instances where you dont have to give your approval for a credit check.

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Write A Letter To The Credit Bureau

Write a letter to the credit bureau whose report you dispute. Clearly identify and circle the items in a copy of the credit report. The reporting bureau will carry out investigations to ascertain your claims. They will do so by collaborating with the information provider to weed out the errors. This should be completed within 30 days, after which they are supposed to remove the items in question. The removal will depend on whether your claims are found to be true, if not the items will remain in your report.

The above steps give you a 2-pronged approach to having hard inquiries removed from your credit report. One is by requesting the company whose inquiry you dispute, to contact the credit reporting agencies and notify them of the mistake. The other is by writing to the credit bureaus and having them investigate the inquiries in question both of which are within your rights.

For assistance with removing hard inquiries and other negative items from your credit report to increase your credit score quickly, contact Credit Absolute for a free consultation.

What Information Can Appear On Your Credit Report

Your credit report may include personal information, including your name, address, employment information, date of birth, telephone number, Social Insurance Number , drivers licence and passport number.

It also contains credit history information, including:

  • Open credit accounts. This can include the date you opened the account, how much you owe, your payment history, if youve made the payments on time and if youve gone over your credit limit.
  • Telecommunications accounts. This can include your internet and mobile phone accounts.
  • . Hard inquiries, which can occur when you apply for a credit product, can stay on your report for one to six years.
  • Accounts in collections. When a lender has made several unsuccessful attempts to collect debt, it may send your debt to a collection agency to attempt to recover the funds owing.
  • Public records. This can include bankruptcies and legal judgments against you.

If you fail to make payments on credit such as a car loan or mortgage and the lender takes actions to seize the assets, those may appear as well.

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How Many Credit Inquiries Should I Aim To Have On My Credit Report

Because too many hard inquiries on your credit report can start to drastically hurt your score, its best to try and stick to just one or two inquiries each year. You can make this easier on yourself by trying to anticipate what types of new credit you might need over the next year.

Maybe youre sick of renting and want to apply for a mortgage. Or perhaps your car is old and you know youll need a new one soon. Of course, life always has surprises we cant account for, but try to plan in advance what types of loans or other credit youll be shopping for in the next year.

Remember that its best to group similar inquiries together because that way theyll just count as one on your credit score. This is where planning comes in.

Dont perform a hard inquiry for a mortgage pre-approval just to check whether or not youd be approved for a home loan. Otherwise, those inquiries will be spread out and hurt your score multiple times. Focus on increasing your credit scores, then apply when you are serious about shopping for a mortgage.

Why Should I Care About Hard Inquiries

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Hard inquiries are different from other inquiries listed on your report because they will affect your FICO score.

Anytime you give a lender permission to pull your credit, itll be reported on your credit history.

You may be wondering what happens if you need to shop multiple lenders for a loan.

After all, there are times you need to compare lenders when you need a mortgage or auto loan and they all need to pull your credit.

Thankfully, while you are shopping for your particular loan, you will be granted a 45-day time period to receive multiple rate quotes which will all count as only one hard inquiry.

So is there a way to dispute a hard inquiry and have it removed?

Its possible a hard inquiry can affect your score as much as 5 points.

And heres another shocker A hard inquiry can stay on your report for up to two years.

After all, two years is a long time when youre working hard to improve your credit score.

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How To Prevent Unauthorized Credit Inquiries

There are also ways you can prevent an unauthorized credit inquiry from even taking place, which means you hopefully wont have to remove an unauthorized inquiry in the future. One strategy is to make your credit report inaccessible to lenders and creditors with a credit freeze.

A will place a lock on your credit report. This means that a lender or creditor will not be able to access your credit report in order to view your information. Implementing a credit freeze can also help keep hackers and identity thieves from opening new credit and/or applying for loans in your name.

Hot Tip: It is important to note that when you have a credit freeze in place, it can hinder your own ability to obtain new credit. For this reason, you can temporarily lift a credit freeze. All 3 of the big credit bureaus have programs available for putting a freeze on your credit.

Get Your Inquiries Removed Professionally

In some cases, we recommend speaking with a Credit Repair professional to analyze your credit report. It’s so much less stress, hassle, and time to let professionals identify the reasons for your score drop.If you’re looking for a reputable company to increase your credit score, we recommend Credit Glory. Call them on or setup a consultation with them. They also happen to have incredible customer service.Credit Glory is a credit repair company that helps everyday Americans remove inaccurate, incomplete, unverifiable, unauthorized, or fraudulent negative items from their credit report. Their primary goal is empowering consumers with the opportunity and knowledge to reach their financial dreams in 2020 and beyond.

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Does A Hard Credit Pull Hurt Your Credit Score

Yes, but normally not in significant amounts. Usually, each hard credit report pull deducts one to five points from your credit score. FICO bases 10 percent of the score on hard credit inquiries.

The fact that credit scorers and creditors even consider hard inquiries begs the question, why? Remember that a lender or credit card company does a hard pull because you have applied for credit. In other words, you are signaling your intent or plan to increase your debt load.

In this regard, watch how many times you apply for credit. A significant number of hard pulls within a short period of time suggest on your part substantial increases in debt, more difficulty making your loan or credit card payments, or financial problems. Those facing financial stress may turn to credit cards to pay monthly or other bills or meet living expenses. According to FICO, consumers with at least six hard credit inquiries are eight times more likely than those without any inquires to file bankruptcy.

Further, your hard credit inquiries dont exist in isolation. Your credit report also shows the number of credit accounts and how long you have held them. Hard pulls can count more against you if you dont have a long track record of handling credit and you have carried just a few cards.


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