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How To Get Closed Accounts Off Of Your Credit Report

What Collections Are And How They Affect Your Credit


When you take out a loan, credit card or other debt, you probably dont anticipate not being able to pay it back. If you fall behind on your payments for a debt, including medical bills, your creditor can turn your account over to its collections department or assign it to a collection agency. The timing depends on the creditor some may report your account to collections when youre 30 days past due while others may give you 60, 90 or even 180 days to get caught up before your account goes to collections.

Once an account is in collections, debt collectors can contact you to try to get you to pay whats owed. Youll typically receive a written notice referencing your account number and creditors name, the amount you owe and how many payments youre behind. Debt collectors can also call you to ask for payment, although you can ask that they only contact you in writing.

The types of debts that can end up in collections may include:

  • Unpaid credit card bills
  • Business loans
  • Medical debts

In terms of your , debt collections can knock off substantial points. Negative account information, including late or missed payments and collections, can stay on your Canadian credit reports for up to six years. If a debt collector sues you and gets a judgment against you to force you to pay, that can stay on your credit report for up to 10 years, depending on which province you reside in.

Equifax Must Provide Free Copies Of Your Credit Report

A data breach at Equifax in 2017 compromised the personal information of at least 147 million consumers. As part of a court settlement related to the hack, everyonewhether they were affected by the breach or notcan get six more free credit reports from Equifax each year, beginning in January 2020, for the next seven years.

What To Do If You Find A Closed Account On Your Credit Report

If you have a closed account on your credit report, what you need to do next depends on whether you know why it was closed and if the information is correct.

  • No action required. If you asked the creditor to close the account or you paid off a loan, theres nothing necessary for you to do.
  • Contact your lender. If you dont know why the account shows as closed, the creditor might be able to tell you. If your creditor closed it, you can ask if itll reopen the account, but its not required to. Either way, you know it wasnt a credit bureau error.
  • File a dispute. If the lender didnt close the account or you dont agree with what its reporting, you can file a dispute with the credit bureaus. Youll need to explain in writing whats wrong, provide documentation that shows why you believe the information is inaccurate, and mail it to the credit bureau or bureaus. The Federal Trade Commission has detailed instructions on how to file a dispute.

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How Do Settled Accounts Affect My Credit Score And History

If you settle an account for anything less than the full amount owed to the borrower, then there will be negative impacts on your .

This is because you did not pay back what was taken and are most likely breaking a contract you signed stating you would pay the amount back in full within a certain amount of time.

If you close an account like a can also be negatively affected.

Your credit score is based on available credit, payment history, and the age of your accounts.

Since you are taking away an account that effects your available credit, this limit will be lowered, causing a drop in your credit score.

When it comes to loans that you have paid in full with no late payments, these will still appear and affect your credit history.

A history of your payments will remain on your credit report for 7 years for reference.

This will not lower or heighten your credit score.

How To Remove Closed Accounts From Your Credit Report

How To Get A Charge

If you need to attempt to remove a closed account from your especially one that includes inaccurate information or negative itemsthere are three ways to do so. You can either dispute inaccurate information with the , write a formal goodwill letter to request removal or simply wait until the account is removed after a period of time. Each of these approaches can be useful depending on your particular situation.

Read on to learn more about when to try each of these different methods for getting a closed account off your credit report.

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How Do You Dispute An Item On Your Credit Report

To dispute an item on your credit report, you’ll need to contact each credit bureau and file a dispute. You can file your dispute online, which is typically the fastest option. If you have supporting documentation, you can upload that, as well. You can also make a dispute by mail be sure to use certified mail if you do.

Sample Letter For A Pay

This template is an example of a generic letter outlining your offer.

< Your name>

< Your account number>

To < creditor> :

Im writing to address a debt for the account under < your name and account number> . I would like to settle the debt and hope we can reach an agreement.

I am offering to pay < amount> to settle the debt and hope that you can remove the charge-off from my account with all of the credit bureaus in return.

If you agree to remove the charge-off status from my account and with the credit bureaus, please respond within 14 days in writing with our agreement, and notify any collection agencies that the debt has been settled.


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You Have Defaulted On An Account

An account is in default when the borrower has missed payments and the account is then closed by the lender. There is no set number of missed payments that result in a default being recorded. This is down to the individual lender, but when they believe a debt can no longer be recovered they record a default.

If a debt cannot be recovered many lenders sell the account to a debt collection agency. This will show negatively on your credit file and will remain on it for a period of six years from the default date, regardless of any settlement. After this time it is removed from your report automatically even if the full amount has not been settled.

Although a default will be removed from your report after 6 years the lender may still pursue you for the debt, unless the debt is statute barred. A statute barred debt is a debt which is seen as unenforceable as the creditor has not chased it in the period allowed. If you have not been chased for payment, have not made payment or signed any acknowledgement of a debt in writing for 6 years in England and Wales and 5 years in Scotland then it could be statute barred.

How Long Does Information Stay On My Equifax Credit Report


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  • Most types of negative information generally remain on your Equifax credit report for 6 years

  • Closed accounts that were paid as agreed remain on your Equifax credit report for up to 10 years after they were reported as closed by the lender

  • Hard inquiries may remain on your Equifax credit report for 3 years

When it comes to credit reports, one of the most frequently asked questions is: How long does information stay on my Equifax credit report? The answer is that it depends on the type of information and whether its considered positive or negative.

Generally speaking, negative information such as late or missed payments, accounts that have been sent to collection agencies, or a bankruptcy stays on credit reports for approximately six years. Here is a breakdown of some the different types of negative information and how long you can expect the information to be on your Equifax credit report:

Here are some examples of “positive” information and how long it stays on your Equifax credit report:

  • Active accounts paid as agreed. Active credit accounts that are paid as agreed remain on your Equifax credit report as long as the account is open and the lender is reporting it.
  • Closed accounts paid as agreed. If the last status of the account is reported by the lender as paid as agreed, the account would stay on your Equifax credit report for up to 10 years from the date it was reported by the lender as closed to Equifax.

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Removing Closed Accounts From Your Credit Report

In some cases, a closed account can be harmful to your credit score. This is especially true if the account was closed with a delinquency, like a late payment or, worse, a charge-off.

Payment history is 35% of your credit score, and any late payments can cause your credit score to drop, even if the payments were late after the account was closed.

Removing the account from your credit score could potentially lead to a credit score increase.

Removing a closed account from your credit report isn’t always easy, and is only possible in certain situations.

If the account on your credit report is actually open but incorrectly reported as closed, you can use the to have it listed as an open account. Providing proof of your account status will help your position.

Having a credit account reported as closed could be hurting your credit score, especially if the credit card has a balance. You can dispute any other inaccurate information regarding the closed account, like payments that were reported as late that were actually paid on time.

Can I Have Closed Accounts Removed From My Credit Report

If you have closed accounts on your credit report that are not delinquent or hurting your credit, then there is no need to remove them. They may actually be helping your credit, even though they are closed.

Accounts that were closed in good standing should automatically fall off your after 10 years, while delinquent closed accounts will fall off your credit report after 7 years.

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Settle The Debt And Dispute It Again

Many debt collectors will allow you to settle the debt for less than the amount owed. Since they purchased the debt for pennies on the dollar, they can accept half of the balance and still make a significant profit.

Just call the collection company and tell them you wish to settle the debt. Usually, they will want the full payment and will knock between 20%-60% of the balance to settle the account in full.

When you pay the debt, it does not help your score and doesnt delete your reports account. But, you will now be able to go back to the Credit Bureau and dispute the item again and hope the creditor does not go through the hassle of validating a debt thats been paid. They have no incentive to do, so they may not respond to the Credit Bureaus request.

What Will Help Improve Your Credit Score

How to Get A Closed Account Off Your Credit Report
  • Your Payment History: Delinquencies and missed payments hurt your credit score more than most other factors. In fact, the FICO scoring model ranks payment history as most important in your credit profile.
  • Your Credit Utilization Ratio: If youre using a lot of your available credit on your credit cards, expect your credit score to suffer. For best results, pay down your credit card balances to 25%. Never exceed 30% of your available credit lines. Often, keeping an account or two open after youve paid them off can decrease your credit utilization ratio and increase your score.
  • Other Factors: Keeping a mix of different types of credit a student loan, a couple credit cards, a car loan, and a mortgage, for example will help your credit score some. Limiting new credit applications can help, too.

Developing these good habits will help a lot, but lets be clear: a major negative entry like bankruptcy, foreclosure, or repossession on your credit file will cause bad credit.

The good news: Even if you cant get them removed using the four strategies I outlined above, these negative items on your credit report hurt your score less and less as they age.

So by making good credit decisions now, youre adding positive information to your credit history thats newer than your negative information.

Your good decisions will help your score eventually!

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The Credit Repair Option

Another option is to work with a legitimate company to try to get charge-offs or other negative information removed from your credit file. While this can save you time, there’s typically a fee involved, and in most cases, the credit repair company can’t do anything for you that you couldn’t do by yourself.

Worse, some credit repair companies are just thinly disguised scams whose only goal is to defraud people who need credit help.

Have A Credit Repair Professional Remove The Negative Items

If youd rather not send dispute letters, goodwill letters, or negotiate pay-for-delete agreements, you could always hire a credit repair service to do this work on your behalf.

I suggest you check out Lexington Law, one of the nations leading credit repair companies.

Lexington Laws experts deal with credit reporting agencies every day. They know the Fair Credit Reporting Act inside and out.

They can usually remove inaccurate information a lot faster than you could by yourself. Professional credit repair projects tend to take two to three months.

You may spend $400 to $500. This would be money well spent if it restored your good standing with lenders in time to secure a loan with low-interest rates.

Learn More: Read our full Lexington Law Review or go straight to the companys website here.

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Sample Letter To Remove Closed Accounts From Credit Report

A closed credit account is no longer active, meaning that no future transactions can be processed. For example, a credit card holder may choose to close their account if they no longer use the card, have fears of identity theft, or have financial hardship.

A misconception exists that closing a credit card or paying off a car or student loan will remove any details related to the account from your credit report. Credit reports do contain closed accounts from data furnishers that continue to impact your credit and might be best removed.

Your Creditor Closes The Account


Here are two of the top reasons a creditor may close an account.

1. Lack of use

Everything about doing business, from advertising to customer service, costs money. Likewise, every credit card account costs the company money to maintain. Its business model is to make money by charging interest and fees. If you don’t use the card for a while, the bank finally realizes they’re losing money. Let’s say you’ve had a for several years and only used it long enough to take advantage of the signup bonus. You may try to log into your account one day and find it’s gone. It was the credit card issuer’s way of ghosting you and moving on to another customer who might use the card and earn the company some cash.

2. Misuse of the account

A credit card company may allow for a few mistakes. You may make a late payment, then pay less than the minimum payment a few months later. Your debt may even go to a collection account for a debt collector to deal with. At some point, the lender may say enough and close your account.

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Will Paying Off A Collection Improve Your Credit Score

Actually, this is a common misconception. The fact is, paying off a collection account will not improve your FICO score. Collection agencies and debt settlement companies will tell you the opposite because they want your money. When you pay off a derogatory account, the balance will be reported as paid, but your credit score will not increase.

The number of collection accounts you have, regardless of the amount owed, counts against your credit rating the same. The older these accounts get, the less impact they will have on your score, but paid or unpaid, it doesnt matter.

The only way you can increase your credit score is by having the collection completely removed from your credit report.

Review The Claim Results

Reporting agencies and lenders usually take around 30 days to investigate disputes. Once they make a decision, they must notify you within five days of completing their review. The notice will inform you if the disputed item was found to be inaccurate or not.

If the disputed information was, in fact, inaccurate, the bureau must update or delete the item. They should include a free copy of your file if the dispute results in a change.

If the bureau or lender considers the disputed information isn’t a mistake, you can file an additional claim. Review your initial claim for any errors and correct those. If possible, you should include additional documents to support your request as this can help the bureau evaluate any data it might have missed the first time around.

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What Does ‘account Closed’ Mean On A Credit Report

If you have closed credit card accounts, your credit report will indicate whether the account was closed by you or by the account issuer. You might close an account because of fees or poor service. The account issuer might close one because of default, late payments or inactivity.

If closing a credit card account does sway your score, it’s most likely because of something called utilization. is how much of your available credit limits you’re using, and it plays a big role in scoring. Closing a card removes its credit limit, so any balances you have outstanding now look bigger in comparison to the lower overall available credit.

Paying off a loan or closing a credit card could also have a small effect on your score if it lowers the average age of your accounts or gives you a slimmer mix of credit types.


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