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HomeWhy Is It Important To Have A Good Credit Score

Why Is It Important To Have A Good Credit Score

Fico Scores By Percent Of Scorable Population

FICO Score Ranges
< 580 Poor Your score is well below the average score of U.S. consumers and demonstrates to lenders that you are a risky borrower.
580-669 Fair Your score is below the average score of U.S. consumers, though many lenders will approve loans with this score.
670-739 Good Your score is near or slightly above the average of U.S. consumers and most lenders consider this a good score.
740-799 Very Good Your score is above the average of U.S. consumers and demonstrates to lenders that you are a very dependable borrower.
800+ Exceptional Your score is well above the average score of U.S. consumers and clearly demonstrates to lenders that you are an exceptional borrower.

Where To Check Your Credit

are offered by each of the three credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.

Because each creditor chooses where to report your monthly account data, the information in your reports may vary from one bureau to the next. Thats why its important to monitor all three for changes and/or errors.

You are able to request one full report from each credit bureau annually, at no charge the best way to do this is to go to AnnualCreditReport.com and complete the process there.

Additionally, you can track your credit for free through certain online platforms, like Experian.

Who Decides Your Credit Score

All of this financial information can be plugged into a scoring companys proprietary formula to generate a personal credit score for you.

Little known fact? You dont have just one credit score!

You can actually have hundreds of credit scores, depending on where you get your score from and which formula is used to calculate it. Each scoring model has its own rules and weighs each aspect of your report a little differently the score you get from each of the credit bureaus may differ from the popular models , which will be different from the unofficial scores you may receive from your credit card company or bank each month.

Heres just one example of a score breakdown, but just know that each and every company has their own unique formula:

Because of this, it may be difficult to gauge exactly what counts as a good credit score. For instance, a good credit score is anything 670 and above when looking at a FICO score, while a FICO score of 579 or below is considered poor.

With a VantageScore, though, good credit is defined as everything above 660, but poor is everything under 601.

Plus, you dont really know which credit score your potential lender will pull so while you may believe that you have a good credit score, your lender could actually categorize you as having poor credit depending on which model and bureau report they use.

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What Is Not Included In Your Credit Rating

There is nothing in your credit rating about your:

  • Criminal record
  • Lenders cant see declined applications either

Lenders can only see youve applied but not whether you were accepted or not. However, they may be able to guess by examining when your credit accounts were opened.

The information in your credit report is debt-related. For example, if you bought a car on credit, the type of car will not appear in your credit report it will just be the loan itself and the amount owed.

Bankruptcy will appear on your credit rating, while the less serious cases of library fines and parking tickets are not included.

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What Is A Bad Credit Score

Why Having Good Credit is Important...Even for the Debt Free

On the other end of the credit scoring model are bad credit scores, which can make it difficult to qualify for credit cards or loans. Bad credit ratings are typically 600 or below. This, however, doesnt mean you are doomed never to have a credit card. There are lenders and credit card issuers that provide financial products for those in the bad credit range. However, in addition to high APRs, you can expect to pay extra fees that you wont find on higher-credit products.

In short, the credit score range from bad credit to excellent credit is usually:

Bad Credit 600 and lower

Poor Credit 600 to 649

Fair or Average Credit 650 to 699

Good Credit 700 to 749

Excellent Credit 750 and higher

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Get Favorable Terms On A New Cell Phone

Smartphones or cell phone upgrades can be expensive. But a good credit score may allow you to finance a phone at favorable terms that let you pay little or no interest. For example, under an offer available in late 2021, you could finance a new iPhone 13 at 0% interest paying about $22 per month for 36 months if you signed up for a service plan. Without good credit, you’d likely need to pay the phone’s $800 cost upfront or pay a higher interest rate if you qualified for financing.

Low Interest Rates On Credit Cards And Loans

The interest rate is one of the costs you pay for borrowing money and, often, the interest rate you get is directly tied to your credit score. If you have a good credit score, youll almost always qualify for the best interest rates, and youll pay lower finance charges on credit card balances and loans. The less money you pay in interest, the faster you’ll pay off the debt and the more money you have for other expenses.

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Where To Get Free Credit Scores

Many financial companies provide services which allow you to check and monitor your score for a monthly or annual fee of approximately $29.95 per month, depending on the scoring model. There are also a number of agencies and credit card issuers which offer this service free to its customers and cardmembers. You can get your credit score free with some of the following companies:

. Score pulled from the TransUnion database.

. VantageScores from the three major credit bureaus.

There are also to their card holders.

Monitoring Your Credit Regularly

Credit Score: Why is it important?

Since credit can impact so many areas of your life, it can help to keep yours top of mind. And monitoring your credit regularly can help give you a big-picture view of your overall financial health.

is an easy way to monitor your VantageScore 3.0 credit score and TransUnion® credit report without hurting your credit score. And itâs free for everyone, not just Capital One customers. You can also get free copies of your credit reports from each of the three major credit bureaus at AnnualCreditReport.com.

Learn more about Capital Oneâs response to COVID-19 and resources available to customers. For information about COVID-19, head over to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Government and private relief efforts vary by location and may have changed since this article was published. Consult a financial adviser or the relevant government agencies and private lenders for the most current information.

We hope you found this helpful. Our content is not intended to provide legal, investment or financial advice or to indicate that a particular Capital One product or service is available or right for you. For specific advice about your unique circumstances, consider talking with a qualified professional.

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Take Advantage Of Your Good Credit

Once your scores near 700 or so, youre considered a good risk. When theyre over 760, youre golden. You should expect the best rates and terms lenders have to offer, since theyll be competing hard for your business.

Reconsider your auto insurance as well, especially if your credit has improved substantially since your policy was set up. Your current insurer may not check your credit at renewal time ask it to re-run your rates. Its a good time to shop around as well.

With all the money you save, you can make progress on important financial goals such as saving for retirement, boosting your emergency fund or getting out of debt faster.

Thats the real power of great credit scores. Instead of begging for loans, paying too much and trying to make do with whats left over, youll finally have some options to get ahead.

Liz Weston is a certified financial planner and columnist at NerdWallet, a personal finance website, and author of Your Credit Score. Email: Twitter: .

This article was written by NerdWallet and was originally published by The Associated Press.

About the author:Liz Weston is a columnist at NerdWallet. She is a Certified Financial Planner and author of five money books, including “Your Credit Score.”Read more

Benefits Of Having A Healthy Credit Score

This article originally appeared on ringgitplus.com, in partnership with CTOS.

Most of us have heard that having a healthy credit score is important for our financial future especially when youre applying for a credit card or a loan. But how exactly can it help with your credit applications and how far can it help you in life?

Wait, What is Considered as Healthy Credit Score?

Different banks and lenders use different types of credit score, but in general, a good credit score ranges between 650 to 750. Having a credit score of between 751 to 850 is considered exceptionally good to most banks and lenders.

If your credit score is not within the above mentioned range, its never too late to change your financial habits you boost your credit score. You can start by making your bill payments on time and pay down your debt as soon as you can. If you have a credit card, keep a close watch on your credit card balances and avoid maxing it out as it may hurt your credit score.

You should also watch out for any fraudulent activity under your name. Check your credit report regularly to ensure all your personal details are correct and updated, and make sure all the recorded financial activities under your name are the ones that you have authorised.

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Ways To Improve Your Credit

Now that you know more about the benefits of good credit, you may want to work on improving yours. These seven steps for improving your credit could help:

  • Check your credit scores often.
  • Know some factors that go into a typical credit score.
  • Keep an eye on your credit reports for errors.
  • Learn how often you can check your credit reports.
  • Make payments on time and keep credit card balances low.
  • Beware of quick credit score fixes.
  • Tips To Improve Or Maintain Your Credit Rating

    Why A Good Credit Score Is So Important

    If your credit rating is good, then you want to improve or maintain it. If you have poor credit now, then rest assured that it’s possible to improve ityou do not need to live with a particular credit score for the rest of your life.

    • Make loan payments on time and for the correct amount.
    • Avoid overextending your credit. Unsolicited credit cards that arrive by mail may be tempting to use, but they won’t help your credit score.
    • Never ignore overdue bills. If you encounter any problems repaying your debt, call your creditor to make repayment arrangements. If you tell them you are having difficulty, they may be flexible.
    • Be aware of what type of credit you have. Credit from financing companies can affect your score negatively.
    • Keep your outstanding debt as low as you can. Continually extending your credit close to your limit is viewed poorly.
    • Limit your number of . When your credit report is “hit”that is, viewedan excess number of requests for credit might be perceived negatively.

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    How Does A Credit Scoring System Work

    • Have you paid your bills on time? If your credit report shows that youve paid bills late, had an account put in collections, or declared bankruptcy, thats likely to affect your score negatively.
    • Are you maxed out? Many scoring systems look at the amount of outstanding debt you have compared to your credit limits. If the amount you owe is close to your credit limit, its likely to hurt your score.
    • How long have you had credit? Generally, scoring systems consider your credit track record. A short credit history may hurt your score, but paying bills on time and having low balances can offset that.
    • Have you applied for new credit lately? Many scoring systems look at inquiries on your credit report to see whether youve applied for credit recently. If youve applied for too many new accounts recently, it could hurt your score. Not every inquiry is counted: for example, inquiries by creditors who are monitoring your account or making prescreened credit offers arent counted against you.
    • How many credit accounts do you have, and what kinds of accounts are they? Although its generally considered a plus to have established credit accounts, too many credit card accounts may hurt your score. Also, many scoring systems consider the type of credit accounts you have. For example, under some scoring systems loans to consolidate your debt but not loans for buying a house or car may hurt your credit score.

    How Can I Start Building My Credit Score As An Immigrant

    You need to look for ways by which you can get access to credit as early as possible and start building your credit history right from the first day.

    Zolve solves this problem for immigrants from India by providing access to credit products from the very beginning. You can apply for a bank account and a credit card even before you set foot in the US. When you actually land in the US and reach your place of stay, you may find that the debit and credit card are waiting for your arrival! You can start swiping away and build your credit history in an easy, smooth manner. Find further details here.

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    Save Money On Interest Rates

    Whether its a credit card or a loan, having a higher interest rate would mean paying more money to the bank or lender which is hardly good for your finances. Your credit score plays a role in determining your interest rate, so work on keeping your credit score high to enjoy a lower interest rate.

    Its worth noting that in the past, few if any banks and lenders in Malaysia would consider revising interest rates based on your credit score. However, more and more banks are now looking into devising tiered interest rates based on credit scores. So, its better to improve on your credit score now so you can enjoy the benefit of having a lower interest rate on credit cards and loans soon!

    Get Your Free Home Loan Quote Without Affecting Your Credit Report

    Why a Credit Score is Important

    Copyright 2021 Mortgage Choice Pty Ltd | ABN 57 009 161 979 | Australian Credit Licence 382869 | FinChoice Pty Limited | ABN 97 158 645 624 | AFSL 422854 | Head Office: Level 10, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060 | Mortgage Choice is owned and operated by ASX-listed REA Group Ltd

    Legal disclaimer and information.

    *Note: the home loan with the lowest current interest rate is not necessarily the most suitable for your circumstances, you may not qualify for that particular product, and not all products are available in all states and territories.

    #The comparison rate provided is based on a loan amount of $150,000 and a term of 25 years. WARNING: This Comparison Rate applies only to the example or examples given. Different amounts and terms will result in different Comparison Rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees, and cost savings such as fee waivers, are not included in the Comparison Rate but may influence the cost of the loan.

    ~Not all brokers or advisers offer the products of all lenders or solution providers.

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    Enjoy A Less Stressful Life

    The benefits of having a healthy credit score go beyond your financial life it can help you live a happier, less stressful life. Its a lot easier to relax and focus on building your career and life when you dont have to constantly worry about money or be bogged down by bad credit.

    For instance, certain jobs and companies will perform a credit check on you before giving you an offer letter especially when youre applying for jobs in the financial industry.

    In the same way, it could also have an impact on your married life. Say for example you are tying the knot and are now looking to get a home loan together, your credit might be the difference between a low-interest and affordable and a high-interest home loan that is if you can qualify for a home loan at all.

    Why Your Credit Score Matters

    You can leverage great scores into great deals on loans, credit cards, insurance premiums, apartments and cell phone plans. Bad scores can hammer you into missing out or paying more.

    The lifetime cost of higher interest rates from bad or mediocre credit can exceed six figures. For example, according to interest rates gathered by Informa Research Services:

    • Someone with FICO scores in the 620 range would pay $65,000 more on a $200,000 mortgage than someone with FICOs over 760.

    • On a five-year, $30,000 auto loan, the borrower with lower scores would pay $5,100 more.

    • A 15-year home equity loan of $50,000 would cost a low scorer $22,500 more than someone with high scores.

    Since credit scores have become such an integral part of our financial lives, it pays to keep track of yours and understand how your actions affect the numbers. You can build, defend and take advantage of great credit regardless of your age or income.

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