Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Use Wordstream To Identify Longer Niche Keyword Phrases

Keyword Phrases

Yet another way WordStream’s keyword tools beat out the competition is by allowing you to capitalize on the long tail of search.

Studies show that search engine users are getting more advanced and using longer, more detailed keyword phrases. This is great for search marketers, since long keyword phrases show more intent and often indicate that the user is late in the buying cycle.

But your typical free keyword tool isn’t going to show you all those hundreds of long-tail, niche keyword phrases. You’ll mostly get a short list of very high-volume, one- or two-word keywords that are totally obvious, with tons of keyword competition in the SERPs. By looking at the long tail, you’ll have a much better chance of ranking high in search results, and your AdWords ads and landing pages will be more specific and relevant to the search queries. Increased relevance is good for organic SEO, improves your Quality Score, kickstarts conversions, lowers your ad spend and adds more value to your entire account.

What Are Seo Tools

An SEO tool can be used for many things – keyword research, keyword analysis, improving website ranking, search engine marketing, and many more. Among all its function, the most important is its ability to generate relevant keywords.

Keywords are the most important part of SEO optimization and the first step towards improving a website’s ranking to attract more traffic. In order to find the most relevant search terms – be it highly searched focus keywords or long tail keywords with high conversion rate potential – you will need a reliable SEO tool.

There are many product types of SEO tools – some are expensive, while others can be used for free like Keyword Tool. For additional functionality and more keyword data, there is also an option to purchase Keyword Tool Pro.

You may have come across SEO tools group buy offers. Try to avoid those services as they obtain accounts and login information from various SEO products in a questionable manner. It is also unreliable and often has limited usage.

SEO is hard work but it pays off well in the end. It is best to go with a reputable SEO brand to ensure you get the most out of the product and maximize the output for your work.

The Old Way Of Finding Keyword Phrases

Typically, businesses take a one-size-fits-all approach to keyword phrase research, using the same free tools as every one else. These keyword suggestion tools have a number of shortcomings:

  • They favor historical popularity over relevance. Just because a keyword has a high search volume doesnt mean its relevant to your business.
  • The results aren’t actionable: They just dump out a list with no organization or tips on how to use the terms.
  • The results aren’t exclusive, so you have no competitive edge.
  • Results are just a sampling of the vast array of real search terms that are typed into Google every day. You’ll miss out on hundreds of long-tail variations that could apply to your search campaigns.

Our own Free Keyword Tool is a vast improvement over other available keyword phrase generators. Because we aggregate over a billion unique keywords and constantly update our database, our keyword suggestions are far more relevant and accurate.

However, even with this much longer, more relevant keyword list, you still need a way to incorporate exclusive long-tail keyword data. How?

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Learn More About Wordstream

Knowing how to do keyword research is important, but not the only step in the search marketing process. WordStream offers plenty of tools to help you optimize your online marketing campaigns, including:

The;; A fast, free, and easy way to audit your AdWords account. Find out how your AdWords campaigns stack up against competitors, and get actionable tips for improvement.

Smart Ads Creator; Create designer-quality display ads, for free and in minutes.

WordStream Advisor;- WordStream Advisor makes online advertising easy: You can create, optimize, manage, and measure high-performing paid search and paid social campaigns in just 20 minutes a week. Smart tools, weekly alerts, and visually stunning reports save you time and money.

Find Long Tail Keywords With An Seo Tool

Keyword Discovery: 6 Tips for Finding the Perfect Keywords

Will you get more traffic to your website when you use high-volume focus keywords? If done right, most likely you will. But what about long tail keywords?

Many people often overlook the power of using long tail keywords. They usually have much lower search volumes. Though when compared to shorter focus keywords, long tail keywords have far better conversion rates.

When you include long tail keywords in your content, it will draw searchers who already have an intention to purchase a product or sign up in an email list. Longer keywords are more specific, hence it accurately reflects the search intent of users.

It is for this reason that long tail keywords often receive better click through rates compared to shorter focus keywords. By using a good SEO tool for Google, you will be able to find and generate long tail keywords for your content.

They are best used for user acquisition, be it for an e-commerce website, email subscription list, affiliate website, or others.

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Data You Get With Keyword Tool Api

Keyword Tool API provides fast, reliable, and scalable search volume data for various search engines and keyword suggestion data for up to millions of keywords. Find out more about what makes our API so unique.

1 100% Accurate Google And Bing Search Volume

If you have a long list of keywords and need to analyze, you can get accurate Search Volume, Cost-Per-Click , and Google/Bing Ads Competition data for it easily using Keyword Tool API. The search volume is exactly what you would get in Google Keyword Planner and Bing Keyword Planner.

Simply make an API request, specify location and language targeting, and receive data quickly in JSON or XML format. A single API request can return search volume data for up to 800 keywords. Which means you can process a long list of keywords very fast.

Keyword Tool offers precise geographic and language targeting for Search Volume data. Using the API, you will be able to get Google Search Volume data for keywords in 192 countries, 47,035 individual locations and 46 languages and Bing Search Volume data for keywords in 6 countries, 22,042 individual locations, and 3 languages.

For example, the following API request will show how many people searched for “apple” and “iphone” in San Diego, California, United States on Google over the last 12 months:

Get 100% accurate Google and Bing search volume in JSON/XML format via API.

2 Reliable, Estimated Search Volume For YouTube, Amazon, And eBay

6 Accurate Post-Count Data For Instagram Hashtags

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Please note that the working hours for our Customer Success team are Monday through Friday, 10am to 6pm, Hong Kong time .

We reply most of the inquiries within 1 business day, if your email is received on the weekend or outside of our regular working hours we will do our best to respond it the next working day.

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Do you have a new feature in mind that you think would make Keyword Tool better? Any other suggestions, comments, or critique? We would be really happy to hear it! Please use the contact form on this page to get in touch or email us at .

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What Is A Keyword

A keyword, or a focus keyword as some call it, is a word that describes the content on your page or post best. Its the search term that you want to rank for with a certain page. So when people search for that keyword or phrase in Google or other search engines, they should find that page on your website.

Lets say youve got a website about pianos: you sell all sorts and types of pianos. You blog about what to look at when buying a piano and you share reviews about the pianos you offer on your online shop. You sell digital pianos so youve created a product category page about digital pianos. Ask yourself this:

  • What kind of search term do you want to be found for?
  • Which words do you think people will use in search engines to find you?
  • What would the search query look like?

Probably , right? Because this keyword reflects whats on the page best. If youd have to explain the bottom line of your content, how would that look? What words would you use? Thats your keyword or key phrase if it consists of multiple words.

We use the word keyword all the time; this does not mean it consists of only one word. A lot of times it consist of multiple words. So when talking about keywords, a lot of times we mean a phrase instead of just one word.

Read more: Keyword research for your online shop »

Research Related Search Terms

What is a keyword?

This is a creative step you may have already thought of when doing keyword research. If not, it’s a great way to fill out those lists.

If you’re struggling to think of more keywords people might be searching about a specific topic, take a look at the related search terms that appear when you plug in a keyword into Google. When you type in your phrase and scroll to the bottom of Google’s results, you’ll notice some suggestions for searches related to your original input. These keywords can spark ideas for other keywords you may want to take into consideration.

Want a bonus? Type in some of those related search terms and look at their related search terms.

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What Some Of The Worlds Leading Seo Professionals Say

Cyrus ShepardZippy

Impressed! Keyword Hero puts keywords back in GA, including goals, for a tiny fee ht

Cyrus 8. August 2017

Branko Kral

Collecting your own data is critical for making great #SEO decisions. Love and their impressive semantic algorithm for minimizing #notprovided. It helps me big time with analyses like my channel context case study published on #dataviz

Branko Kral 5. März 2019

Rand Fishkin

how Keyword Hero is trying to eliminate & achieving impressive accuracy thanks to clickstream data

The Google Keyword Planner

is THE most reliable source of keyword information online.

Thats because, unlike most other tools, the data you get from the Keyword Planner come straight from Google.

The big downside of the GKP is that its designed to help people with their Google ad campaigns not with SEO.

That said, you can still use the GKP to get lists of keyword ideas

and find search queries that get lots of searches.

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Filtering Free Keyword Results By Industry

With WordStreams Free Keyword Tool you also have the option to filter your results by industry, which specifies your results and other data including search volume, competition level and estimated CPC so theyre all maximally relevant to your industry.

For example, if you search for keywords related to cars while selecting Arts & Entertainment as the industry, youll see results like cars movie, disney cars, and pixar cars. However, if you input the same term and change the industry to Finance & Banking, youll see results like new car incentives and new car lease.

You can filter your results by 24 business verticals, including Apparel, Arts & Entertainment, Autos & Vehicles, Beauty & Fitness, Books & Literature, Business & Industrial, Computers & Electronics, Finance & Banking, Food & Drink, Toys & Games, Health, Hobbies & Leisure, Home & Garden, Internet & Telecom, Jobs & Education, Law & Government, News Media & Publications, Family & Community, Occasions & Gifts, Pets & Animals, Real Estate, Retail & General Merchandise, Sports & Fitness, and Travel & Tourism.

Location Based And International Keyword Data

Keyword Search Icon Design 491222

You can filter your keyword results and volume/performance data geographically choose between more than 23 countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom or United States.

Are you a United States-based advertiser looking for location-specific keywords for a local campaign? Simply enter the name of your state and get keyword results specifically catered to your region.

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Video Game Localization Qa

Keywords leads the world in Localization Quality Assurance in which teams of games testers, natives of up to 50 languages, scour the game for out of context translations and other language related issues, enabling our clients to deliver truly immersive gaming experiences in all target languages.

Analyze Keywords Based On Searcher Intent

In other words, ask yourself:

What does someone searching for this keyword want to see?

Are they looking to buy? For information? Or are they looking for a specific page ?

For example:

A while back I created a post that ranks #2 for the keyword BuzzStream.

Even though that keyword gets around 2k searches/month, that post only brings in 194 monthly visitors.

What gives?

Well, as it turns out, BuzzStream is a navigational keyword.

Which means that most people that search for that keyword are looking for the websitenot information about BuzzStream.

So yeah, that keyword looked great at first glance. But because its a navigational keyword, VERY few people click on anything but the first result. Which is why that post gets so little traffic.

Thats why I recommend looking at the Search Intent of a keyword.

If Search Intent is Navigational, then you may want to avoid that term even if it has great CPC and monthly search volume numbers.

But if Searcher Intent is Informational, then a piece of content optimized around that term could do GREAT.

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See What Your Competitors Rank For

Don’t know where to start? Find out what works for your competitors. Just enter their domain or URL and KWFinder will show you the best keywords they rank for. Easy-peasy ð

KWFinder is a super-effective tool for finding easy-to-rank keywords.

What I love the most is its interface. Simple and straightforward, exactly how most SEO tools should be.

Level Up Your Ppc Campaigns

Static Keyword

Google Adwords Keywordtool gets you only so far with targeting your niche on the longtail. With our keyword suggestion tool,you get hundreds of keyword ideas for your topic, that you can easily filter, download and add to your campaigns!You benefit from more focused traffic and save money by finding relevant keywords with less competition.

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Use Google And Youtube Suggest

Now that you have a list of topics, type each one of them into Google.

And see what terms that Google Suggests to you.

These are great keywords to add to your list.


Because if Google suggests a keyword, you KNOW that lots of people are searching for it.

But you dont need to stop with Google Suggest.

You can also find keyword suggestions with YouTube Suggest:

And Bing:

How Keyword Tool Can Help Improve Seo And Search Engine Marketing

Some might confuse between search engine optimization and search engine marketing – SEO is the exercise of optimizing a page or website to attract organic traffic, while SEM involves paid search campaigns like or Bing Ads.

Keyword Tool can be incredibly useful to find highly searched keywords to improve SEO. At the same time, it can also be used to source for relevant search terms to optimize your search ads.

When a Google Ads campaign uses keywords that are highly searched and relevant to the brand or business, it will attract more clicks on the search ads. That will then result in a higher click-through-rate . With a CTR, it increases the potential of conversions and thus lowers the cost-per-click or the cost of customer acquisition.

At the same time, a good keyword tool will be able to show the CPC for the generated keywords. With that data, SEM professionals or Google Ads campaign managers will be able to find more cost-efficient keywords to use for their search ad campaigns.

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Understand The Three Main Factors For Choosing Good Keywords

Before choosing keywords and expecting your content to rank for them, you must curate keywords for three things:Â;

1. Relevance

Google ranks content for relevance. This is where the concept of search intent comes in. Your content will only rank for a keyword if it meets the searchers’ needs. In addition, your content must be the best resource out there for the query. After all, why would Google rank your content higher if it provides less value than other content that exists on the web?

2. Authority

Google will provide more weight to sources it deems authoritative. That means you must do all you can to become an authoritative source by enriching your site with helpful, information content and promoting that content to earn social signals and backlinks. If you’re not seen as authoritative in the space, or if a keyword’s SERPs are loaded with heavy sources you can’t compete with , you have a lower chance of ranking unless your content is exceptional.Â;

3. Volume

You may end up ranking on the first page for a specific keyword, but if no one ever searches for it, it will not result in traffic to your site. Kind of like setting up shop in a ghost town.Â;

Volume is measured by MSV , which means the number of times the keyword is searched per month across all audiences.Â;


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